Mostly Memoirs of a Geisha, but in a comic book version! maybe that´s one of the reasons I like the "mademoiselle buterfly" manga, besides it was a very romantic and happy-ending story type of story. The guy, to whom the main character is in love with, is a tatto artist.... anyways, a nice story, almost like memoirs of a Geisha -she was a geisha apprentice- but without that much suffering amount.
*even lighER reading? well, the books I normally read just for the pleasure are my "light reading" usually they´re longer than a hundred pages, and every body says it must be difficult to read those but it is easy for me, but this maybe most people would think is useless to read, but it is even more "light" -though still long- that´s why I think it is my "even lighter reading" or something like that ^^ whatever, right? jajajaja
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