Chapter 5***Three is a crowd***
Arround those days my life got a bit complicated. Since I was the only one left of my family I had to deal with everything by myself. According to the law, I was an addult, I was more than 18 so, I could be in charge of the assets my parents left as well as their financial affairs, now mine. They had a construction company, them and this other family. I was supposed, even before I knew how to talk, to take care of the family business but certainly nobody thought I was going to take over this early in my life. Anyway, they were gone and I had half of the company and that meant I had to be in the board meetings, take care of important decisions. It was a torture for me to be there, it had so many memories of what I had lost but I couldn’t run from it, I had to do it in order to live and satisfy my needs, also for my family memory.
Because of my new responsibilities I couldn’t be in the park as much as before, before the board had given some time to “recover” a spare time from my duties but it was over, that meant I couldn’t be with my precious friend anymore. I was upset because of that but there was nothing I could do. He didn’t seemed affected, not that I wanted him to be, he had enough with his own pain.
He kept on going to the park, I went only the days I could, as a result of him being alone in the park he found some new people. I don’t know if that had to do wit feeding or not. I wasn’t there and he had the right to be with other people, though I felt somehow excluded.
Julia was her name. she was ok, though I didn’t like her, I was just nice to her because Ayon seemed to be quite fond of her. She didn’t seem to like me either, but she was polite too. I used to think that the only thing we had in common was Ayon.
One day I decided to step out a little, to leave Julia and Ayon alone for a while. I sensed how she liked him, romantically, and I sensed how Ayon didn’t realized it but he had started to feel certain interest for her too. I had to let him forget Shiloe, maybe Julia could help him to get over her because there had passed too many moons since that day, I thought.
Eventually, they discovered each others feelings, though they were not sure of it. Ayon told Julia all about him and she accepted it, she asked him about me and him, and how come we where so close, he told her we were only friends. Ayon told me about this, also he told me how he thought Julia had feelings for him “I know” I said, “and so do you…. You have feelings for her too, don’t you?” he was surprised that I said it but he knew I was right. I wonder now if it was ok for me to help him see he had feelings for her too…
More days passed. I left them alone. One day I learned that Ayon was dating Julia. I couldn’t beleve that a demon could date a simple human but it seemed it was possible. They werent so expressive to each other, not so much, other than hugs I never saw them being expressive of their relationship, at least, not infront of me. Despite that, both of their energies had changed, I could feel it, their energies were different when they were together.
No matter that he had Julia, I was still feeding from Ayon and vice versa, so I knew what happened between them. He was bit livelier, like some part of his Shiloe wound was getting better. Those days I noticed I was gloomier for some reason.
I didn’t want to be near Julia but I knew Ayon wanted to be with her all the time, as much as possible, but he wanted to be with his friend, me, as well, so both of us, Julia and me, tried to be good to each other, what else could I do after all? Ayon had been nice to me by not forgetting me or leaving me behing in favor of his girlfriend. I couldn’t be impolite to him therefore I couldn’t be impolite to Julia.
One day, Ayon said she and I had many similarities, that took me aback. I was offended, I didn’t said it, not like that at least but in the end it was true, some traits were similar in both of us. We realized this after I quit trying to be away from Julia and when she finally stopped being somehow jealous of me or at least she hid it.
She was ok but in the end she was not. She never really stopped being jealous so she gave bad references of me to Ayon. He asked about it. I clarified things and of course I demanded an explanation from Julia. We never talked anymore after that though she appologized. Ayon forgave her, I did it too, though it didn’t mean I wanted to talk to her anymore. We lost contact.
Ayon is a demon, a prince of darkness but he has most of his angel traits. He forgave Julia countless times. After she rejected his energy once and left him pretty injured –because he was so linked to her- he stopped dating her but he dept being her friend. She asked him to go back to dating to the point where he got quite annoyed but he forgave her this too. In fact, he was very happy when she started dating somebody else. She said awful things of him to that person. She treated his reputation like trash and yet he forgave her… another wound to my angel, to my precious friend, still he held no resentment towards her. It is a different story for me. I really dislike her for making him suffer. Ayon had been quite sad after she was so mean to him.
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