Monday, July 26, 2010

After the end

They were on the same place without even nowing it.
They were on the same path, each one looking to a side.
They were linked by a shared breath,
but so many miles apart.

Their story was the same,
but the words of their hearts had changed.
Their soul had been wrecked by the same sword.

They were so similar that their eyes repelled the other´s sight.
They were so close that a fleeting spark made them burn to ashes.
They knew it all, therefore all  words died for them.

Then, with no words, they found each other at the same place
with a glacier between them...
not noticing the sun was still shining in the sky above.


  1. Awww this reminds me of Chiaki and Eiji! So cute but bittersweet and a bit sad

    1. ha! hey, it´s true, this could b about Chiaki and Eiji! wow! I would´ve never thought that! :D
