I love to walk. I love to feel the rain drops falling to my face. I love to spatter the puddles in the sidewalks after a rainy day. If I wouldn’t enjoy feeling I wouldn’t defend this body that I´ve made for myself with so much stubborness. Maybe I somehow like to feel human.
My day with Eimi had been… I just cant find a word to describe it. It was so different. I felt so strange for a moment, just before going out. It was as if something was inside me and made me all violent? And then… maybe it´s just that I wasn’t expecting to be accompanied by other. I guess I wanted to be with my Ei only…
I was reliving my day while waling on the dark streets of the city, thinking on why she seems to see me, only me sometimes. I like it.
Pitch black I think that´s what they call it. The streets were like that, ocasional street lights were lightnign spots of it. A demon feels no rush of adrenaline for darkness or fear over a dark corner. I´m supposed to be a demon but I guess I act two characters while talking to people. I´m both the angel whispering `do the right thing´ and the demon displaying temptations people are already waiting –far too willingly- to accept. I´m both, all the time. It can make things fun for me. People get more confused when is the same person offering them both ways. Wich ever they choose I win something. If they choose temptation my powers increase, if they refuse temptation I make sure my angel side stays alive. The only down side is I get little energy from them…confussion is no good to provide me that, so in a way it is useless to have that much power accumulated if I cant channel it when needed… though so far I havent fail in control it.
I saw a vision while walking on the dark streets. Today I was going to a well lit place to see wich was going to win: Ayon the angel or Ayon the demon. In my vision I was in a garden, a huge one, flowers all over the place. Big trees where scattered around. The sky clear and the wind gentle, the sun like a caress. In a moment I was in the other side of the white fence that divided the garden from the path. Close to one of the fence poles there was a flower, a small one not fancy but to me it was the most beautiful of all the garden, golden like the sun, small and delicate. I wanted the flower. I wanted to cut it. I could see it in a frame, covered by glass, next to others that I had. Those others were already pale, they had lost their pretty colors. I stopped. If I cut this pretty flower it was going to wither. If I cut it I was going to kill it. I knwe I had to leave it there. I could only see it not even touch it, it was far too delicate. I stayed there watching it thinking on the moment it would fall by nature´s hand. At that very moment I was going to extend my hand to make it mine.
The vision ended. I rolled my eyes. It was a very plain and boring vision after all it was all about a flower.
“but you already cut the flower and it´s withering with every passing day” I heard a voice next to me but no one there. Not a ghost, spirit, demon or angel even less a person. I stopped for a moment. I was not the kind of hearing voices since I was a `voice` many times. A laugh.
“no you´re not getting crazy. I´m here” it had to be a high rank demon or angel for I didn’t felt their energy still I was getting ready to flee or fight.
“who are you? Angel or demon?” I asked in my calm voice starting to walk again
“what does it matter, Ayon? I´m me” the voice said
“it does matter. I need to know if I should fith you and send you back to hell of if I should salute you and send my regards to my family in heavens” I said. I didn’t want to undisclose my true identity in case it was an angel. A giggle from the invisible. It annoyed me I couldn’t see him. I can become invisible to human eyes but it´s not common angels or demons are invisible to each other, we can still see the energy, the spirit. It was not the case with this being.
“don’t worry demon prince you don’t have to fith me at all, not like you would win, i´m not looking for violence from you”
So, the voice knew who I was, that must must mean it is a demon´s voice. I thought to myself. It has to be a high rank one with the new trick of being invisible even his energy.
I focused my energyin trying to see his and luckily I saw some of it, a little, like a blur or like seeing light through a foggy night. I sent some of mine to touch it. It was risky but I needed to know who he was and how he knew my vision and who I was. He had gotten into my head! That cant be good.
I reached out to it. My energy created a thin thread to touch him, those spots of energy, he allowed it. It was an unbelievable amount of energy, and it was invisible! By touching it I could see how the trick was done. It required lots of energy but I managed to do it, after all I had been all day with my pure source. I couldn’t avoid a smile while thinking so. The thread I had sent to him became invisible too just like he was. I was somehow excited about this that I had forgotten for a moment he had insulted me. He had called me weak. I –even if I don’t like it sometimes- am no weak demon. I´m a prince and a former… his voice interrupted my thoughts.
“it is not my intention to offend you. I was only stating the facts” this guy was doing it again! “you have been quite rude reaching to touch me without my permission but I´ll forgive you since I see you learned the `trick` very fast!”
“what do you want with me? Show yourself! Tell me your name!” I was getting mad and desperate at this thing.
“uh! So you´re getting scared? The great demon prince?” I said nothing, sometimes the best way to get what you want is to remain calm and silent.
“you´re right” the voice said agreeing with what I had thought. It confused me. I knew that no demon could do that only angels with special permission, so it had to be an angel, a cherub perhaps or a seraph since I didn’t recognize him.
“i´ve always liked that you´re very strategic and rational, well rational but once maybe twice, depends on your actions from now on...”
“why wont you tell me wich angel are you?”
“ I told you it doesn’t matter who I am. I´m just me….so you understand: I´m no demon, I´m no angel and a you know I´m no ghost even less a person” it was clear he was not going to tell me who he was and the creation never stops so… it probably was something I didn’t know…
“wont you show yourself” I said later trying to use the same pattern of question that seemed to work and made him talk
“let me see…mmmh well you seem to like shells don’t you? Well last time I was here I used one like yours, less pale…so to keep balance I´ll just…”
Like a tiny constelation appeared infront of me. It was the form of his energy. It started to grow and it was like staring at the universe from above, unbelievable beautiful. As it grew light scaped from it, bright, not bluish like mine. It was a million times brighter than that. The spot we were became day. His energy changed it was like and organic form now. It had no shape it extended everywhere. It seemed to form conections to everything around even with me but it wasn’t forcefully, it seemed natural. I was stunned. A split second later he started to gather his energy into a shape and it was like mine, then he created a body and all the stars, light and beauty that he had displayed got enclosed in a body that wasn’t a he but a she.
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