Thursday, December 30, 2010


Through the heart
It was painful
It was shocking
I didn't see it coming.
Floating inside of me
I felt it first go down
I felt it drop like a weight.
It then shot up
Straight to my thoughts
I couldn't escape
Thinking, Worrying, Crying
The pain was emince
Unique, Surprising, Dreadful
It hit me
Straight through the heart.
 - "No Title"

** My dear friend Saku made this little poem. When I read it, I just loved it, so now I want to have it here because I can totally relate to every word in it. To me it feels like an accurate portrait -in words- of me just a little while ago.
*** Of course I have Saku`s permission to post this here. Saku, I hope u dont mind me putting a tittle to it ^^