Thursday, August 4, 2011
wandering 8* scaping
"aaaahhh Im the worst!! why cant I feel what I want to feel! -Anna said angry at herself- the worst part is that Im drowning in a glass of water" Scire only laughed. "Im mental!"
"at least you´re now in a good mood" said Scire in a matter-of-fact way. They´d been having one of their endless dialogs.
"well, yeah, there´s nothing else left to do" Anna shrugged "plus, it´s not that someone can give me happiness, I cant entrust that to a single person or feeling... things always end"
"right" Scire agreed
"´s not like I know that many people, I dont even have friends" Anna sighed
"right" Scire agreed again
"you´re being so calm and rational, Scire!"
"I am" and that made Anna laugh.
They were a little better, maybe it was true that laughter makes one feel better, they were only together when they were feeling bad, they were ok now so probably it was only going to be Anna for a long while. Sleep tight Scire!
"oh come on! leave me alone- Anna said to the open space the sky was. The sun was over her, again it was as if it was chasing her. She didnt move this time, she had moved before, it wasnt that hot anyways. She was today in a different place, there was a path and at the end of it there was a table, she was just looking at the few people that were going by, not so many, just a few that were still on campus. A group was comming through the path towards her. The girls of the group only saw her from the corner of their eyes and the boy looked straight to her but he seemed to be looking at her without really looking, as if she wasnt really there. Why does it always seem to happen that way, Anna wondered, but she didnt care to know the answer.
Some rain cloud covered partially the sun beam that seemed to be over her. "maybe it´ll rain tonight- Anna thought- I hope it doesnt start this afternoon, I dont have an umbrella, I dont want to get wet"
Suddenly, Scire woke up and said:
"Think about how on T.V shows they made the rain seem like a romantic stuff -Anna smiled a little to herself- imagine this scene, two person under the same umbrella, is that so romantic?"
"yeah! you only get your shoes wet and you get cold" Anna rolled her eyes
"but whatever Anna, it´s not like you are going to do it -Anna sighed quietly- she knew very well that Scire wanted to try out some of what´s supposed to be romantic"
"with pheromones, hormones and chemicals flooding our brain, anything would be the most wonderful thing in the world, silly! but you know very well that I dont want to be one more of the crowd, I wont give up my will and freedom to someone who´s intentions are unknown -it was Scire who sighed this time- "
She was quiet, completely quiet this time, no more talk to herself.
After a while, she heard a voice singing loudly, probably he was singing at the school next to the campus. The man had a strong, very manly voice but he sounded young, maybe he was a student at the school. He was singing popular songs and he substitute the original names on the song for girl´s name, you could hear girly screams right after that.
-"That´s cheap" Anna said annoyed for some reason
"it´s kind of sweet" Scire said
"it must be unconfortable for the poor girl"
"what do you know, Anna? maybe you´d be glad if someone sang a song for you"
Anna shook her head when she realized how a part of her wanted something so... cheesy and another part of her felt disgusted by that.
"What am I doing here? -she asked herself in a whisper- I guess this is better than being ...home" it was painful to think of a home for her. She waited for a while there to leave. She wanted to get home late enough to not have to fulfill duties of pretending nothing was wrong.
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Get outta my head already!!! (JK) Geez girl you always write the way I feel! Crazy...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the part where she's walking by the kids but they don't really "see" her is always what I imagine when I'm walking or on the bus. I always think no one even sees me. And if they do look they're looking at my clothes or something shallow like that.
Is it just me or from reading this does it seem like Anna is even too pessimistic for Scire today? Lol. I'm with Anna all the way though(she's my twin). She acts almost identical to me!
Oh and have you read that extra chapter of Vampire Knight about Yuki and Kaname's parents? they have a sharing the umbrella story. Its so cute. The dad always takes the mom's umbrella before she leaves because he wants to meet her after school to walk home under the same umbrella! awwwww