Sunday, October 16, 2011

estas ausente

Esta noche pienso en ti.
Estas ausente pero estas como presente.
Hoja al viento. Hija de la fresca lluvia.

Tonight Im thinking about you.
You´re not here yet you are with me.
A leaf lead by the wind. The daughter of the chilling rain.

En la oscuridad eres fantasia.
Tu dolor es mio y con el mio me engullen.
Blanca serenidad. Fría compañía.

In the darkness you are magic.
Your pain is mine and along with my own, it engulfes me
White serenity. Cold company.
Te has ido de mi. Te quedaste clavada en mi recuerdo.
El aire tiene tu color. La lluvia me susurra tus palabras.
La sabiduria de tus manos se ha ido. Mi piel las espera.

You´re away from me. You´re stuck in my memory.
The air is colored by you. The rain whispers with your voice.
The wisdom of your hands is gone. My skin is missing them.

Pienso en ti como muchas otras noches.
Eres grande, eres pequeña. Eres tibia, eres hielo, eres fuego.
Naturaleza eres, no existes.
Eres como la lluvia. Eres vida y eres muerte.

Im thinking on your like many other nighs.
You´re huge, you´re small. You´re warm,you´re ice, you´re fire.
You are nature, you dont exist.
you´re like rain. You give life, you take it away.
Te has ido.Te he desterrado. Grito tu nombre.
Todo ha sido dicho. Lo hemos escondido todo.
Esta noche pienso en ti. Estoy ausente.

You are gone. I´ve thrown you away. Im screaming your name.
Everything´s been said. We´ve hide all of our secrets.
Tonight Im thinking on you. Im gone.


  1. Oh wow. This is really cool. How hadn't I seen this? The way I stalk this blog??!! I love the Spanish to English. The differing fonts. It's awesome and it makes the whole poem feel like a story being told from two perspectives but it's really like a sad memory that hurts but you wouldn't trade it for anything

    1. thank you :)

      wow! in a way it is, some of the words are not exactly the same but I tried to make it as similar as possible. Yes! despite everything, despite the ending, there are no regrets.
