Wednesday, November 16, 2011

prove them wrong

He is just amazing!

Today, the principal of the school tell a student to forget of his dream of being a professional skater,she said not to lie to himself, she said not to think he´ll ever make any good of that. She said forget it because it is pretty much impossible. I felt bad. I didnt like her telling him that. It´s very unlikely to become professional in those sports but Idont think the way she said it was the best. I wish for him to actually become a professional in that. I know college and studies and a "serious" carreer is safer and somehow easier and more acceptable but still, why to shatter his dreams like that? she should´ve told him to try both things just in case.... the weirdest part is that while I was helping this other kid, in the afternoon, he said he wants to be a musician. I think he´s quite talented for that. What else do you want to be, I said, he had this homework where he had to compare his future profession to the most popular carreers in the job market... he wants to be a musician... I didnt wanted to tell him that´s impossible, maybe he can be the next great musician though I did told him that he needs to have a back-up, something to do in case he cant be a musician... you never know, as grandpa says you gotta learn as much a you can, it doesnt mean that´s what you are going to do for a living but it might help you to get where you want to get.... Anyway, I hope those two kids can prove the whole society wrong, I hope they prove they can... and probably this affected me more because I heard once those words comming from my own father´s mouth and I proved him wrong and that´s what I want for them... to prove others and themselve that they can do it if they set their minds on it.

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