Sunday, April 29, 2012

Double Life: Dark Alleys

Where I found this one said that it was posted by Stuart Lauchlan -hope he doesn´t mind me using it.

“You´re interrupting my meeting” the man said cold. 
“Have I ever called you just to interrupt you?” Nichole wanted to say, instead she went for “Philip -she practically spitted the name- grabbed my hands” The man on the other side of the line gasped. 
“Were you without gloves?” he sounded worried, maybe. 
“No, I still had them on” 
“Did you say anything to him” 
“I didn´t. My blade was enough, I think” she muttered. 
 “I´ll make sure he stops talking if not leave him talking Do not let him touch you but keep your gloves on. I´ll deal with him later” he hung up. 

She grinned, she always grinned when her father was worried. She put the phone back in her pocket and walked past a corner and then another. As she walked the lights seemed to fade, it was darker and darker as if it was a signal for what was waiting ahead. The streets seemed empty but they were not, people like ghosts were in every alley, bad people, people that looks for the cover of the night to do what they do yet they are not completely bad, sometimes it´s just the role that life has given them. Nichole was among them. She knew that she would´ve felt incredibly worried in those shadowy streets with eyes that proclaim hate and pain but she didn´t, she was well aware that her eyes, too, reflected some of that hatred and pain, despite being that young she was not scared, she had been once but it´s more scary to know that your own flesh and blood is the villain and the ones that are supposed to protect you are the ones that crush your spirit. The good part of it was that she could walk the streets with no fear, regret or hesitation not even concern of what might happen to her. 

 Another turn and another alley, dogs barking in the distance. A man was leaned over the dirty walls while he smoked in silence blowing the gray smoke that danced with the wind. His red gaze followed Nichole until she stood right in front of him. He refused to acknowledge her presence and kept smoking. All he saw was a slim girl with a heavy coat dressed in black and leather gloves, her face pale and tired. She stood in front of him but he had learned that no one for tiny or weak that seems could be trusted. Two gunshot wounds reminded him of that. About a minute went by when the girl produced a few bills and showed them to him extending her free hand as if asking for something. She looked just like a child asking for another cookie. He knew what she wanted, no one ever looked him for another reason but for the hundreds of white pills that he carried in his jacket pockets but he had never had a client this young who looked as if she had never tried them once in her life yet without hesitation or even a hint of nervousness she was asking from them as if she knew something. 

“What do you want?” the man asked throwing away the remaining of his cigarette. The girl smirked. 
“I didn´t know that money wasn´t enough for you... I´m not a fan of talking yet you make me speak. I want what´s inside your jacket pockets” 
“Go get cigarettes at the store, you can ask your daddy to take you” he said deciding to mock the girl a little. He was sure this was her first time buying. 
“I have a schedule, you know, tight, I don´t want to walk further, so for your sake...” she sounded mad, but only her voice gave that impression, it was like she had hardened her voice with the intention to make it sound like she was angry. The man laughed. 
“What about your sake? don´t I scare you?” he said and something in him awoken. After all it had been a week since that prostitute behind the old car in this very same alley. 
“Would I be here if I was?” the girl said, no traces of fear, she seemed bored. She saw him and produced more money from her pocket. 
“You really were thorough when going through your daddy´s wallet, weren´t you?” the man joked again 
“Stop talking about my daddy” she spitted the words. 
“Ah, so mad at him... what a way to get revenge” he said finally handing two bags with a few white pills inside. 

When she was grabbing them he took her by her wrist, she didn´t flinch, that disappointed him. 
“Let me go” she simply said. 
“What if I don´t?” he said, his eyes seemed to darken. The girl chuckled. It was such an odd situation for a defenseless girl to laugh. “Do I make you laugh?” the man said on the edge of wrath. He had been laughed at his entire life, never being good enough for anything. 
“You do” she said pushing herself forward instead of pulling like people would´ve done. The man got caught off guard and lost balance for a second which allowed the girl to escape from the man´s grip 
“Like you could handle me” she said mocking him on purpose. 
“Not without one of these” she continued while shaking the little bag and then she walked towards the old rusty tireless car parked further in the dark alley. 

 The man didn´t answer, she had taken him back to the times where he had been a defenseless scared boy but he stared at her and once again he remembered the prostitute and his blood boiled. 
“Stop staring at me and start walking” the girl said without looking back. He started to walk towards her and grinned for such an easy prey that had walked to him. The girl in one fluid movement jumped and landed on the hood of the rusty car. 
“You should show a little more skin” the man said looking up. The girl smile and once again shook one of the little bags as if reminding him her prior statement. He stared feeling heat on his body. She place one of the white pill on her middle finger, and while watching him took it to her tongue to finally smile again when she closed her lips. He stared the whole time knowing that he wanted to take one of those to his mouth as well but he knew that he either took them all to die or waited for his boss to kill him for consuming them and not paying the money. 
“Your turn” the girl said and threw one of the pills to him. It fell to the ground “catch it” she said and did it again and again it fell to the ground. “What a waste” she said again sounding bored. She jumped back in front of him, just a step away. “You are either really stupid or really smart” she said taking off her glove. 

The man felt the heat raising again and grinned maliciously. She took another of her pills between her index and thumb and put it a few centimeters away from the man´s mouth who opened his lips and bit the girl´s fingers for a fraction of time before he felt an acute pain in his chest. He faltered and fell to the ground still feeling as if some invisible hand was squeezing his heart. 
“I´m going to need the money back and some more of these” the girl said to him showing the little bags. His eyes were squinted in pain and his hands over his chest. 
“Help” he pleaded. 
“I am not sorry that it´s taking you a while to go... after all you bit me... and you also scammed my stupid step sisters right outside their school... have some shame” she said disgusted while taking the money and pills from his jacket pockets. 

He started to feel trouble to breath. The girl started to walk away, he tried to reach her feet but another wave of pain to his chest made him cringe feeling again like a scared good for nothing boy, his spirit went away leaving his eyes contemplating the dirtiness in which he had spent countless nights.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I can´t believe I had to do it all over again! My old blog was hacked. I thought I had lost it but I was able to save most of the things there, as well as made a back-up of it. I realized that I really love blogging, I felt that something was missing when I couldn´t use my blog... it´s been about three years since I started blogging so... I guess that´s why.

Welcome back blog. I guess that all those who read my blog at some point won´t be reading it again since it´s a new address but anyways... it´s their fault for never commenting lol

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

bad person

I wish they all died! A lot of the times that I come from work I feel down. My second job is in one of the places where the wealthiest people live, they have it all, they waste it all, they spend money in the same amount that I lack of it.

Their cars are the latest models, the most expensive ones. Mine is really old, it looks old and ugly. The people that live there look at it with bad eyes, last time some old ladies even called the police to report me and my ugly car, I got kicked out of the park there.

Today I went to the gas station there, I never use the self-service thing because I don´t like touching the hose. I waited. I felt I was being watched, I turned, it was this person that knew me, an expelled student from the school I work, he waved, I nodded.

I always secretly dislike him somehow. He drove a BMW, he had lots of money and he lives there at that place where the rich people live. He did awful at school, he thought he could buy everyone, he thought that because he had money he was handsome and therefore even I was going to like him. I secretly hated him. He had all that money. Yes, I´m a bad person... I don´t care.

At the gas station, today, the guy helping customers came and me, being the first to get there, get no attention, instead that guy, the BMW guy got the attention even if he was in the self-service line. I started to get mad. I waited. The seller walked my way, I thought he was going to sell me the gallon of gas that I was going to buy -I really can´t afford more than that- but no, he went just to get something more for the BMW guy and said, "wait just a second" to me. I waited. He came back but again just to get something for that guy. I got mad. He was getting the attention and not me, even if I had gotten there first... and just because I drive an old, ugly car. I´m better than that BMW guy, and I might be a bad person for saying that, but I don´t care, I´m smarter than him, I know that guy´s IQ because he was at my school, he has not the appropriate one, I´m better than him, I´m smarter, I kinder, I don´t pretend I can buy people, I don´t think people are less than me and I might be bad for hating him and saying to the internet some part of his information but I don´t care, it´s not fair that people like that get the best just because they have money, only that money and people like me have to struggle through life even though we have good and even better characteristics but not money.

I wish they all died, that BMW guy, the old hags that called the police on me and made me get kicked out of that stupid park, the people that drives those fancy cars and exploits people, the people that steals money and get rich like that. I wish they all die! though it could be better if it was me, after all it only bothers me and if it was me I´d be free of all those ties that I can not control, like money, I don´t have and maybe I won´t have and it´s not like I want to have money and then become like them, no I just want to not have to worry or stop getting things just because I don´t have.

Even so, I´m 100% sure that I wouldn´t like to change my brain for the money of that guy, never. I rather be smart than stupid even if I don´t have money. I will live every second w/my brains but he might lose his money because of his stupidity. I still hate him though and probably it´s not him that I hate, it´s just that he´s like an image to hate since he represents all those that have a lot in their pockets and nothing in their heads but still step on us, the ones with nothing in our pockets, every single miserable day.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Planetas (Planets)

Mientras orbitaban en algún lugar de la oscuridad del espacio dos planetas se encontraron. Habían estado dibujando elipses, chocando con estrellas, afilándose, aplanándose, quebrándose... Fueron lanzados a nuevas órbitas lejos de donde habían empezado. Los dos planetas eventualmente se encontraron y la gravedad en ellos fue tal que los dejó danzar sin colisionar, sin despedazarse. Dibujaron una elipse siendo luz y reflejo, ecos de la misma visión pero al llegar al punto donde se encontraron, siguieron su camino separándose lenta e inevitablemente, la fuerza que los había unido, los ha separado. Emiten luz destellando señales hacía el eco que dejaron atrás, la gravedad los arrastra de forma opuesta hacia lo desconocido a donde no se verán más.

While orbiting some place in the blackness of the universe, two planets met. They had been drawing ellipses, crashing with stars, sharpening, flatening, braking. They were trown to new orbits opposite to each other. Eventually the planets found each other and the gravity between them let them dance without crashing, they didn´t brake each other. They were light and reflex drawing a new ellipse, echoing the same vision but when they got to the point where they had met they followed their own way, they couldn´t help to slowly drift apart, the force that had brought them together has split them. They keep shinning sending light beams to the echo that was left behind while the gravity drags them far apart from eachother to the unknown where they won´t meet anymore.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Double Life: Daylight Nightmares

On the back of her mind she wondered why she was being sent so early this one time when usually she was sent around midnight but she didn´t care, she just had to do what she had to do. Why she did it seemed to be a mystery at times though She didn´t want to do it yet she was compelled to do it, there were so many things that forced her to follow her father´s orders. Josh´s words echoed in her mind. What does he know?, she mumbled to herself, I´m bad and he thinks I can be better, poor little boy, what does he know about me? she wondered while getting ready; it was always the same, all in black, a long black coat, her black baggy beanie hat, boots and gloves. Her cellphone on one of her pant´s pockets. Nothing else.

 “Do not wear anything that can let anyone know who you are, do you understand?” her memories were a blur but she could clearly remember those words being repeated over and over in her mind that first time that she had gone on a “mission” as his father had called it. “I´ll show you what you´ll do once, so pay attention”

She remembered a woman´s voice saying that and then that same woman´s hands had taken a comb and made her a tight braid. She talked while pulling Nichole´s hair tight. “You have to do it tight, no hair can be allowed to fall where you don´t want it” the woman had chuckled as if saying a joke. Nichole´s heart had been beating fast, she could feel it against her chest. “Do not forget that you always have to have you nails clipped and no jewelry, get it?”

This woman is like the weather, Nichole had thought, so cold at times and so warm as if she thought of her as a daughter. “See what happened to me” Nichole knew, she had heard that thousand times, somebody had ripped part of this woman´s ear, someone had pulled her earring. “Your father says you don´t need it, but, you should always carry one of these” the woman had slipped a little knife inside her boot, Nichole had fidget. “Do not worry, N, this has a special place there, it won´t hurt you, see?” she had smiled. “now, to make sure, do not forget the hat” she had put it on Nichole´s head and turned her around to admire her.”You look beautiful, like a death angel” the woman had chuckled again. “Walk to the corner” the woman instructed. Nichole went. “You´re going to show me how well you use that gift I just gave you” the woman smiled again and Nichole noticed she had dimples.

Someone was watching them. “Have you taught her to use that?” a male voice asked from a poor lighted corner
“I have taught her a lot of things, K” the woman purred
“How? she...” the man trailed off
“That the child doesn´t speak doesn´t mean she doesn´t understand -the woman explained, pride tinging her words- now, if you mean to say that she looks weak, I agree but there are ways to fix that, you´ll see” the woman smirked and continued “come on, baby, show time”

 The child didn´t move, the woman advanced, she, just like the kid had her hair in a braid. The woman quickly tried to grab the child who squatted down and then rolled to a side behind the woman who ran to her. A silver object shined, she child balanced it trying to wound the woman while she docked the long arms that tried to grab her. The woman finally jumped to the child who ran and almost escaped but the woman´s arms were long and she caught her foot, the child fell. There was fear in her eyes, the woman moved her under her weight to straddle her.

 “Do not show fear, Nichole” a flash of memories went through the child´s mind and her gaze changed “well done” the woman whispered. The kid wounded the woman´s arm. The woman grinned as if pleased “free yourself” she said loudly. She started to hit the child who saw an opportunity to wound the woman´s neck.

The child lifted her little arm, blade in hand towards the woman´s neck who was distracted punching the bleeding kid. The blade barely grazed the woman. The kid couldn´t hurt her, she knew what would happen, she was not like that. The woman became raged, she grabbed the child´s hand and took the blade.
“Are you stupid?” she screamed to the kid beneath her.”Do you think a man would stop just because you´re a child?”. The child grunted and felt a sharp pain on her thigh. “Do not dare to scream” the woman warned and punctured the kid again this time on her arm “you have to do what you have to do when you have the chance. Do you understand?”the woman screamed in the kid´s ear while she was opening new wounds to the child´s body.

 “Enough” a husky angry voice commanded and the woman stopped lifting herself from the ground. The child felt like she was about to lose conscience but she knew better, that´d make things worse.
“I´m glad you weren´t there for the rest of the training” the female laughed and threw the blade “get up and get the blade” she commanded the child who wobbled towards the blade coughing violently. The woman flipped open her phone “bring in Natasha” she ordered.
“This was uncalled for” the man that had been watching emerged from the dark corner
“Was it? weren´t you the one who brought me in and made me train a child?” she woman hissed “To dodge attacks not to find ways to get attacked” 
“You wanted a perfect angel of death, didn´t you, that´s what you´re getting”
“You are almost killing the child!”
“Almost is the key word, K. Natasha will fix her. She´s seen her worst” she said dismissively as if that was a good enough reason to hurt the child.
“That child was my wife´s only treasure, I have not asked you to kill her” the man said and slapped the woman who only smirked
“But she´s clearly not yours” the woman said and walked towards the kid again.
“Can you keep going, baby?” the woman asked sweetly to the child who only stared at her. “Come on, baby, let´s show daddy what you can do”

 The woman ran back to the farther corner and then ran again towards the child who ran to a side, blade in hand. The woman chased her and kicked the child in the stomach. The man saw the child´s hand grabbing the woman´s leg. The woman stopped for a little bit as the child ran away and from behind she appeared grabbing the woman´s hair pulling it hard until the woman fell, the child sat on the woman and started to punch the woman until this one, shouted “stop” The man saw the blade covered in blood. “You see, she´s your perfect angel” she said to the man, flipping her phone again “where is Natasha?”

 The child had spent over a week in bed with wounds that hurt more and more. The woman had instructed no pain killers for the child. Natasha had given her some but it was not enough. Another two weeks later and the scene was repeated, except this time the kid was doing her own hair, pulling it tight as she had been taught to do. The woman and the man were again watching her. She ignored them knowing what was coming, this time she was not going to allow the woman to send her to bed for a week. Her father had gone to her bed the last day she had been there, he had talked to her. She knew what was coming.

 “Let´s ignore last time happened, baby -the woman said with mellow voice- I got you a new present -another blade, longer this time- you´ll know what to do this time the woman said slipping the blade in the hidden compartment of the child´s boot. The woman ran opposite the child who prepared herself. The woman ran back again and the child ran away, the woman chased her but the child had learned her moves so she was faster. The woman ran to the child´s direction who ran the other way but got caught by the long arms of the woman again. The woman smirked and so did the child.

“That´s a new one, baby, I like it” the woman said. “Fight her and then make her believe she´s got you...” she was remembering the man´s voice. The kid felt her back hitting the ground hard. Her little arms over her head, the woman´s eyes piercing through hers. “Ha, still smirking, baby?” the woman said. The child brought her little hands to the woman´s cheeks who gasped. “Your gloves?” was the last thing she said and her eyes changed from piercing ones to a look of panic. She tried to escape the child´s grip but as the kids kept her hands there she grew weaker. All emotion was drowned from the child´s face when the woman fell to a side, no trace of life in her body.

 “Well done, Nichole” the man watching on the corner said. He walked towards the child who quickly put on her black gloves again “not a single hair out of place”, the man commented, smiling, “my perfect angel.” he walked away towards the door but stopped next to the corpse. “Never let anybody hit you or wound you like she did. Do not let anybody scar or mark your body. Make them go the instant they try it. Do you understand?” The kid was silent. The man left.

 As Nichole jumped off the wall that divided the school grounds the memories seemed to be blown away by the wind that caressed her face. “I wonder what was her name” she muttered as she entered the black car a few minutes later. She had ran through the woods to the road where she and Josh had been attacked. The car was waiting there.

“I´m Philip” the young brunette man inside the car said. She didn´t say a word. He was the new guy that was going to drive her around now. The woman had taught her not to talk when it wasn´t necessary. Philip stared at her for a little bit only stopping when she stared back at him. He started to drive. Nichole grabbed the electronic pad that lay on the seat. Her instructions were there. She could feel the young´s man watching her. She lifted her eyes and could see herself on the rear mirror, her eyes seemed to be the piercing woman´s eyes. It scared her but she didn´t blink or waver. Sweat seemed to be glistening over the man´s forehead. 

“It´s hot. I´ll turn up the air conditioner, you don´t mind, right?” he asked looking at Nichole through the mirror. She kept looking at the electronic pad. The young man cleared his thought. “I was a little nervous to drive you. The things they say about you and how Sid...” he said, her eyes shot up to see him intently, Sid, she thought, that was the name of that good for nothing pervert. She went back to read. “I thought you´d look different, like, scary” the young man continued. She wanted to tell him to shut up but she knew talking would only make him keep talking. “But you are just a girl, a cute one, how...” he trailed off when he saw her eyes looking at him through the rear mirror. Only that made him shiver, it was like she was piercing holes through his skull, giving him death threats. He finally fell silent.

“Merci, soeur” she muttered looking out the window, the image of the woman flashed through her mind. So, I used to call her sister, she thought to herself. Indeed, she let her thoughts to continue, thank you for that look you carved in my eyes. She wondered why she was thinking of her now, she was usually only on her nightmares.

 “Parle vous français?” the young man said in a fluid french. “Je suis français” he said “Je pensais que tu parle anglais” The man thought she couldn´t understand him. She wondered why he was trying so hard to talk to her. He seemed young, maybe that was why or maybe she was just noticing because he reminded her of Josh, she felt like smiling but she didn´t, her years of training stopped her from showing her thoughts that easily. The man fell silent again.

 Two hours later they stopped at an alley, it was dark already, she slided over to the door. The man spoke “will you be ok, by yourself?” and he took her hand in an attempt to stop her from going alone, she quickly released herself from his grip, and faster than the man could realize there was a blade on his neck, he could feel that it was sharp. The girl had grabbed his hair and she was pulling it keeping him in place. His eyes went wide and he lifted his arms in a surrender motion. She didn´t say a thing only removed the blade and left the car. Her instructions said she had to walk a few blocks.

don´t wanna be...

Is it ok to write twice in a row? something´s in my mind at the moment, I knew it already but now it´s been worded. You see, one of the most important people for me is not happy. My beloved mom is not happy. She wants to get a divorce, again, but she´s unhappy because she says she made a mistake and she remembers that brother and I told her that she was making a mistake by re-marrying  the same man again. Tears were spilled when she said that. I gave her the same kindness that she gave me when she saw me crying my heart out one day "If that makes you happy..." and that´s what I said to her, I don´t want her to be unhappy.

I was feeling really bad, because I´ve been feeling like sh*t these days and so I went to take a nap. In the process of falling asleep I started to think what would happen if she actually got divorced. I learned things about me. I thought of father, someone that I used to love with all my heart but hurt me deeply, I got to hate him at some point, remember?, then I thought I didn´t care but as I thought about the possibilities I realized that I felt bad for him, he has no where to go, no one to go to for help, he´s all alone if he´s not here, there´s no place for him, what´d he do? I was worried for him. I found a solution, he could go to live at my place and I´d visit him on the weekends because he has no body else, everybody thinks bad of him I guess he´s getting what he caused ... I realized I´m free of that hate, of that pain, I thought  that wound wouldn´t heal but it seems it has and that´s great but it seems that now I care and that´s a little dangerous, it scares me because I have a great potential to get hurt again.

Later, after my nap I realized that if my mom is not married it´s very likely that she goes to visit her beloved friend at the U.S. He´s always loved my mother and I know she loves him back, maybe she´d even stay there and she deserves it, I know she would´ve done so much better with that man but of course there´s no way that could´ve been since there was me in the picture.

Those things lead me to think that, probably just like my father in a way, I´m all alone, I´d be all alone. Now that my brother´s with his own family and if it happens that my mom goes away, I´ll be all alone. I know my mother and brother will always love me yet they´d be having their own life, walking their own path and I´d be left behind. I don´t mind loneliness but I realized I don´t want to be alone and this whole thing maybe won´t happen, maybe it´s not that important, maybe I shouldn´t even think about it but right now the realization of that feels so heavy. I know I´d get used to it and it all has something good but I just... I don´t know, I must be thinking things too much and in the end it doesn´t matter because she´d be happy and as she said that one day, that´s all that I want  for her.

I am overreacting, am I not?... yeah... maybe I just needed to take it out of my mind.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Looking Forward to...

I´ve noticed I´ve been sad and going down that road again and again. I´ve always been on the "half empty" side but I remember that when little I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted and what I was going to get and what I was going to work for to get and I did, I got all my academic goals, I learned what I wanted to learn but then, after that in my child mind I never thought what would come after that, it only seemed like a golden glow ahead of me, maybe somehow I never thought I´d get to after my goal but I´ve gotten there and I´ve felt empty because my dreams ended there and the rest was just a misty golden glow of a bright future that doesn´t seem to be clear to me.

I was thinking about that last night, last night, the Easter Day, when Jesus comes back to life, bringing life to us. It is a very special day for me because that day it is a very special day for my mom. She got baptized that day and though I´m not religious I can clearly remember that day and the feel of peacefulness that I felt in church that day. I often wish to go back to that temple to just sit there and feel that sense of completion and peacefulness that I felt when I was a child; anyway, Easter Day is special for us and  I guess it brought something, it made my dreams to come back to life somehow. So here is what I dreamed:

1. Reading the paper I saw an article about the Lux in Arcana which is an exposition of over 100 documents of the secret files of the Vatican that include the papers related to the assassination of Galileo Galilei and similar things. I really want to see it. It´s open only until September. I want to go. I, of course, do not have money for that but something has to happen. I must go. I´m going, I don´t know how but something must happen that allow me to go and see many centuries of story.

2. I´m studying literature but not here in my little country where not a single college has it but somewhere else, I´m not sure where yet but I´m going, tomorrow, to find information on scholarships so that I can go and study. And today, I´m searching for places to study that.

3. I´m publishing a book, I must have at least one published book, even if it´s in the end of my life.

4. I´m learning french. I know I can learn it fast. There has to be a way for me to get the money to go to a language academy to learn that language.

5. I´m visiting the Louvre Museum and sit there for a long time just watching the masterpieces of those great people.

I´ll probably get more as the time goes by but for now those are my brand new dreams. I´m going to get them, I know I can do it. I´m looking forward for the day where I can write the posts talking about how great´s been to get those dreams.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I feel good

I feel good. I think my dinner pancakes were of the exact sugary taste to make me feel good. I think that it -the sugar in them- triggered this effect on me.

I was so hungry and mom voluntered me to make pancakes so, I did. I made one and it got in an accident jaja -meaning it didn´t came out well- so I ate it and then like five minutes later I realized I started to dance. I´m always carrying my laptop around the house therefore always carrying my music so that´s what I started to dance and then sing.

I sat, ate like four pancakes -that´s a lot- and now I´m noticing I feel good. This song came out, it´s on my list, Falling inside the Black by Skillet and I said to mom that it was my depression song -haha- I was singing it but it clicked then, I am not feeling depressed or sad or tired or sick -perhaps not completely healthy but close- or even bored, I´m feeling good, almost happy. What a nice realization!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Double Life: Talks

It was Aaron, a speechless Aaron. He looked from his twin to Nichole and back to his twin.
 “I think you should close the door” Nichole said nonchalantly getting up to close the door herself.
“What´s she doing here? Weren´t you at her place?” Aaron quickly whispered his brother

“I was on my way out” Nichole said “Later, twins”
“Wait” Aaron stopped her. That´s weird, she thought but stopped and faced him “I... I wanted to apologize for the other day... “
 “All in the past” she said with her usual tone of disinterest. She had been slowly walking towards the window. Only Josh noticed it. Aaron leaned a little to whisper to his twin and she took advantage of that to leave.

“She was helping me to put this bandages, that´s all” Josh answered out loud the whispers of his twin who looked around towards where she had been and blinked when he noticed she wasn´t there anymore.
“When did she leave?” Aaron asked looking around. Josh only smiled “that´s pretty impressive...that and her way of walking, I´ll give you that” Aaron commented
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that even though she´s a weirdo she´s not so bad and if you want to be with her, I´m ok with it” “Are you crazy? I don´t need your approval to be with whoever I want to be and I´m not with her”
“Right... which is why you walk around half naked while she´s on your bed telling you what to wear, ah yes, and you woke up on her bedroom somewhere that you are not supposed to be and let´s not forget that she just took the same risk by being in your room”
“Aaron you can be so annoying sometimes, and that´s my shirt!”
“Ah, don´t change the subject and now you know how it feels... looks like we´ve changed roles”
“No, you´re just watching things where there´s nothing to see”
“So, you spending the night in her room...”
“It was late”
“Ah sure, sure, you just decided to not come at all and sneak in to her room”
“ok, it might not seem so reasonable now but it seemed that way at the time” Josh had to say that since there was no way he´d tell his twin that he had gotten shot after sneaking out the school

“But what happened to your arm anyways?”
“I fell” Josh said a little too quick.
“I don´t believe you” Aaron squinted his eyes
“I fell over thorny bushes while climbing to her window”
“Oh, so you were doing Romeo” Aaron laughed
“Give me my shirt” Josh tried to change the subject again knowing that his brother wouldn´t let go the Romeo joke.
“Ah, come on! don´t get mad... Now I know why you were not interested in anyone the other day, the girls were hot and you didn´t pay any attention to them!”
“Hot and shallow might work for you but not for me”
“Right, you prefer sexy-cat-like-walk, nonchalant weirdos” Aaron laughed again
“Sexy-cat-like-walk? seems like you´ve been watching closely” Josh lifted and eyebrow
“Mh, you agree, don´t you? and I have, gotta problem with that?”
“How can you have the hots for her and call her weirdo at the same time?”
“I´m just stating a fact” Aaron said laying down on his twin’s bed
“You don´t know that, you have never talked to her”
“But you have and you think just like me”
“No I don´t”
“I know you´re lying”
“Can I just be friends with her?”
“Boys and girls are never just friends... there´s always something...”
“I disagree with that”
“Right, you ´ll see I´m right”
“That won´t happen, I´m not you”
“You are like me with the difference that you´ve found one that seems to be able to easily beat you down” “You´d know that since she already broke your and your friend´s nose, wouldn´t you?” Josh grinned mischievously.
“If you keep spending the nights with her you might be the one getting in trouble and I mean it”
“It was a one time thing”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yeah, yeah”

“That was so close” Nic murmured to herself. She had climbed into a tree, she was resting in one of the branches. It was quiet and even if someone passed there -which was unlikely- she wouldn´t be spotted. Her phone buzzed in her jacket pocket. She sighed. She was well aware of who was calling her and receiving calls was never a good thing. She wished her father let Camille call her at least once. She knew he was not going to give in but she had tried to persuade him into letting her call and the little girl had cried for weeks begging him. Her mother had even punished her which caused an argument between Nic´s father and stepmother. One thing came out of it though, once a month Nichole was able to spend a day with Camille, of course Celia´s presence was a must in those gatherings but she had been a friend of Nichole´s mother and in a way she was like a mother to Nic. One more week, Nic sighed before answering. One more week for her one day with her little sister.

 “Your little trip to the town left two victims” a harsh voice said. Nichole remained silent. “Who else was with you?” the man asked. Nichole felt her stomach clench, she was worried that there waaas anything left that led her father to think about Josh but she was certain that she had made sure to take Josh into the woods before anyone could see them. Her heart was racing but she was well trained to hide her emotions and she was glad for that right now.
 “You know my reputation here at school, plus who could keep up to my pace?” she said as to prove no one could´ve been with her. She hoped she didn´t have to lie.
“Val called me one of these days” he said.
“She sent you her regards one of these days” Nichole said as if nothing as wrong, she knew her father was telling her he knew about Josh’s visit to her bedroom. Val, the dorm supervisor, had reported that to his father but she was not going to sound worried about that even though she didn´t know what would come out of it.
“I don´t have to clean up after you if anything happens” he said coldly
“The man attacked me, the other one saw me” she said imitating his voice “even though I can do what I do, I am not immortal”
“I won´t pay a dime for another ...roomate” he warned. She felt hurt.
“I can clean up for myself”
 “Do not mess things up”
“Your watchmen won´t let it happen”
“Get ready. The car will be waiting” he said and hung up.
“won´t you give me a break” she said to the phone and shut her eyes close.

 She jumped at once and slowly walked to her building. It was four in the afternoon. She entered the building and saw Val who stared at her. She wanted to let her see that she didn´t care what she had done, that it hadn´t caused distress to her but in fact it had. Now her father was aware of Josh and that was dangerous. Nichole knew that if she let her eyes show how angry she was Val would get satisfied so instead she smirked. She knew Val hated it.
 “Val” she nodded to the woman while smirking and swiftly walked to the stairs.
A group of girls were coming down the stairs, they said something but Nichole had learned to tuned them out so she kept walking. One girl was walking alone behind the rest of the group. Intentionally she got closer to Nichole when passing by her.

 “The twins are mine” the girl hissed pushing Nichole a little, who stopped and grinned widely as if amused. “All yours Michelle, I don´t think they´d appreciate being called objects though” Nichole kept smirking
“I´m prettier than you and I can have them whenever I want” she said angry
“Way prettier, Michelle, that´s why you´ve have them all, or rather them all have had you”
“You, little..” Michelle made the motion as to slap Nichole who looked at her intently
“Don´t even dare” Nichole said with a calm voice that contrasted with the look in her eyes. Michelle backed off and grunted as she turned to leave.

 I wonder if Josh would leave me alone if he were to hook up with Michelle, Nichole thought, maybe he´d be safe from me. No, he´d try to make us friends, he can´t help it. His twin´s right, he´s into weirdos and for his bad luck he came to the place where the queen of them inhabits. Nichole laughed a little laugh that gained strange looks from the few girls walking down the halls. Now they´ll think I´ve gone totally crazy, she thought, oh, well, who cares?

AN: I can´t believe that it´s harder to find images that express what I want for this story. In a way it was easier with Fallen Angel, it did take me a long while but eventually I got an image that made me feel that the chapter was represented but now... it´s become imposible to find an image... I wish I could do my own images...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Many Moons, a Sun

Taken on a very hot day during a traffic jam 

The moon had appeared really early, it wasn´t even dark yet

The moon is the light in the center, it´s amazing that it looked like a street light!

I was trying to take a pix at the sunset but it quickly fade and this was left

The bright moon covered by clouds during a windy summer night

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I loved this pict. I´m not sure if that person´s the author but it said  "fly away by restmlin" so this is a way of mime to give that person credit for this beautiful image. 

Fly away while I watch you go,
be aware that if you look back I´ll be there watching you
I´ll wave my hand and give you pretended a smile
I´ll make you think I´m letting you go
but in truth my sould will be braking into little pieces.

Fly away for I am watching you go
still in awe at the sight of you
you´ll become a tiny spot on the wide blue sky
but you´ve been covering the sun for me,
that huge you are.

You flew away yet your laughter lingers in my ears
I´m still standing here while you keep dissappearing from my sight.
You´ve frozen my sun and darkened my moon
but maybe another bird will fly to my direction
carrying someone else´s moom and sun as a stollen gift to present to me.
Who´ll be getting mine?

Keep flying away,
but remember the way that took you away
for if you ever need a nest again
you´ll find a shelter right here
where I´m standing waving you a good bye.