Mientras orbitaban en algún lugar de la oscuridad del espacio dos planetas se encontraron. Habían estado dibujando elipses, chocando con estrellas, afilándose, aplanándose, quebrándose... Fueron lanzados a nuevas órbitas lejos de donde habían empezado. Los dos planetas eventualmente se encontraron y la gravedad en ellos fue tal que los dejó danzar sin colisionar, sin despedazarse. Dibujaron una elipse siendo luz y reflejo, ecos de la misma visión pero al llegar al punto donde se encontraron, siguieron su camino separándose lenta e inevitablemente, la fuerza que los había unido, los ha separado. Emiten luz destellando señales hacía el eco que dejaron atrás, la gravedad los arrastra de forma opuesta hacia lo desconocido a donde no se verán más.
While orbiting some place in the blackness of the universe, two planets met. They had been drawing ellipses, crashing with stars, sharpening, flatening, braking. They were trown to new orbits opposite to each other. Eventually the planets found each other and the gravity between them let them dance without crashing, they didn´t brake each other. They were light and reflex drawing a new ellipse, echoing the same vision but when they got to the point where they had met they followed their own way, they couldn´t help to slowly drift apart, the force that had brought them together has split them. They keep shinning sending light beams to the echo that was left behind while the gravity drags them far apart from eachother to the unknown where they won´t meet anymore.
*tears* this is really beautiful. It's like Ladyhawke. :(
ReplyDeleteaww thank you! you made my day ^^ mmm Ladyhawke, the movie? I might see it now hehe
DeleteYeah the movie. Its actually pretty good for a drama.
Deletethe lady turns to a hawk in the day, the man turns to a wolf at night. The lady is a lady at night, the man is a man during the day. Basically they kept missing each other. They were cursed by a jealous man who loved her but she didnt love him.
Very interesting storyline
how sad! How does it end? do they get to be together?