-I´m very thankfull for the internet and those cute images that provides me and though I am not really giving propper credit to whoever did them it´s only because I don´t know who did it.
-I hope this doesn´t feel so confusing for the whole he/she thing. I want to let know that it´s been quite a challenge to not use male of female pronouns when Zett´s not male of female -even now, it was hard not to say "when he´s not in his human form" because "he" is not a "he". Languages should be a little bit more neutral at times. We need new words.

“Zett asks you to join him in the library” a voice woke me up. My legs hurt, I had fallen asleep while praying. I didn't make any move.
“You shouldn't disobey Zett´s orders” the servant said but I didn´t move. The servant left. A few minutes passed. I heard footsteps and then the door of my room-cell was thrown open, it was Zett.
“I called for you. If I call for you, you have to come! simple as that!” Zett yelled grabbing my arm and lifting me. I looked at the crimson eyes as if that could make any difference. “I said I wouldn't hit you anymore but there are other bad things I could do to you that don't involve hitting” my jailer whispered in my ear and then threw me to the bed. The servant that had followed him left immediately, closing the door behind him. I sat, Zett pushed me down, while climbing on top of me.
The crimson eyes remained but the shape that held them was other. Zett transformed into a woman, the strength intact though. The woman ripped my shirt off and her hand traveled down my pants, I pushed her, she was still stronger than me. She laughed.
“Not this body, ha?” she said taking the shape of a man. “What about this one?” he whispered lusty into my ear. I pushed him again but it was useless, he was many times stronger than me.
“And this is how you expect me to give you something willingly?” I said, only a murmur. He stopped as if paralyzed by my words. He got off of me but kept his male body.
“What do you prefer for feeding?” he asked. I looked at him with questioning eyes, it was like this was another being entirely . “Well, you are after all in human shape, I don´t think that´s the one you prefer so you must be stuck in it” he said correctly, I looked down.
“So, human food or energy?” he asked, all traces of anger and lust gone. I looked at his eyes. He sighed and got closer to me, I leaned away a little. He held my head and put his lips over mine. I would've pushed him away if he had not passed energy in me as his lips pressed mine. It had been too long time since I had have any. I didn't know it but I was hungry, famished. I knew it when he tried to let go and I leaned forward moving with him. I felt him smile.
“Energy will be then” he said when I was able to pull myself away from him.
“I want food” I said mad at myself for having let him touch me and affect me like that.
“I just gave you some”
“Human food”
“There´s no human food in this house” he smirked and leaned forward
“Then I don´t want any” I said fighting the urge to grab him to take more. He seemed to smile and leaned even forward, our noses were practically touching.
“I know you do” he said barely opening his mouth.I breathed in what energy escaped from his mouth“You are weak and need this” he would know, he had held me captive for a long while without anything to feed from.
“I don´t need you” but I did. Was he going to do as I said if I asked for something?
“Oh, you do” he said putting his mouth over mine again, a flow of energy went through me and I took it eagerly despite myself. He moved away and again I followed him, again. “You see? you can´t help it” he said smirking again. I looked away.
“Our deal.... you said to ask anything”
“Except going away... what do you want?” his tone made me believe he found somehow interesting that I had something I want besides leaving.
“Do not feed me through your mouth” I stared at him and he laughed
“What? does it feel sinful to kiss a man?” he laughed again shifting his shape to that of a woman again “What about this one?” she said as she put her lips on mine again. The more energy I got the more I wanted, it was not enough. He was controlling the amount that I got, it was too little and the taste wasn´t the best but I couldn´t help it, my strong will had abandoned me, maybe this body had a survival instinc that kill it.
“So you like this one better? -the female Zett asked lifting one of her perfect shaped eyebrows-I´m keeping the other, you know”
“I don´t like either... just not your mouth” was I pleading to a demon? I had fallen so low.
“Ah, well, there are other places I could use” she said, her hands went to my chest
“No!” I raised my voice, shoving away her hands, it startled her “just go back to your own shape when feeding me”
“You´ll take what you get” she said going back to her original genderless form.
“So much for a deal” I huffed
“It said obedience as well” the genderless being said and I looked away. Zett left and I knelt again praying for forgiveness. I fell asleep knelt down but woke up laying on my bed, I didn´t recall getting on it. I had the dream again that night: gentle hands caressing my hair, soft fingers brushing my face. An odd dream, all that I lacked of.
Some other day, I could barely keep track of time, it was was a never ending succesion of nothingness and solitude, while I went over the contents of the bedroom I found that there was a little bookshelf partially hidden by the drawer. I started reading the books. My days passed slowly and solitary while I read the books and stayed at my bedroom-cell. I think a week passed and I didn´t see or even heard Zett, then another week and another. I felt weak but there was nothing I could do. I missed the daylight the most, in my room-cell there were no windows and I just didn´t feel like going outside it, it was just an extension of the cell. I was so alone and lost.
I was knelt down, my elbows on my bed, I was praying, it helped me to pass the long hours even if it didn´t help me for anything else, the door was opened which was strange since in the time here after the last time Zett had come no one else had entered, I didn´t stop praying.
I felt something being put on the bed, I opened my eyes, it was a rosary. Zett had taken me a rosary.“I have some others as well but this one is my favorite” the crimson eyed being said to me. Zett had taken his male human form. I grabbed it and I felt it was hot, it burned my skin, I threw it. Zett chuckled and showed me his hand, beads were carved in his palm. “This is what will happen every time you take it”. He grabbed it again and placed it on my nightstand.
“Come” he said kind, helping me to get up. I eyed him suspiciously but decided to sat on the bed next to him. He shifted to his original form and brushed my hair with what were his hands. I furrowed my brows, it felt like my dream. Had Zett...? I couldn't even made my mind to finish that thought. With that touch I could feel a little energy being passed on. I stared into the crimson eyes and the demon held out a hand.
“Is this a better way for you?” the demon asked the hand still extended. I reluctantly took it and felt how a great flow of energy was being passed to me. My human body started to breath quickly while every fiber of it felt more alive than I had felt since I became a fallen angel.
“Why haven’t you came out of your room? -Zett asked and I noticed my eyes were closed- we have a deal -I was reminded of that when I didn´t answer.
“I don´t want to leave this cell to see the rest of the jail”
“Maybe one day you´ll feel like going to the library” The crimson eyed demon said looking at the book open on the bed. I remained silent.
We heard a knock on the door and soon after one of his servants entered.
“I told you not to come here” the demon´s harsh voice vibrated through the room“Yes, Hiosp, but your guests insisted”
“Get out” was the answer the servant got. Zett´s crimson eyes seemed to be much more intense.
“Who am I that you make me wait, Zett?” another crimson eyed being said. Zett let go of my hand.
“Yotta, you should've waited for me” Zett walked over to the guest while changing to his male form, as he did so, his guest also took a human form, a female model-like form, and they kissed, it felt almost obscene to see.
“Why are you making me wait and then jumping on me like this?” the demon called Yotta asked trying to look past Zett. She smirked when she saw me “So this is what you were doing” she stepped out of Zett´s reach and walked my direction, fast, she grabbed my face and place a forced kiss to my mouth, I pushed her hard and she bit me.
“Yotta!” Zett called her in a harsh voice while pulling her away from me. I cleaned my lips with the back of my hand.
“What, Zett? ” she asked curtly.
“Let´s go downstairs” male Zett said to her coldly but still holding her hand.
“No Zett, I want that angel” she smiled a wicked smile. I wanted so bad to have my powers, I was never a warrior angel but I knew I had have power to defeat demons.
“Yotta, that angel... -Zett sighed- you can´t have”
“I am your elder, Zett, you are not allowed to tell me what I can´t have” her voice seemed to change somehow, it had and edge of authority now.
“I know, Yotta, but this is my house and that one has a pact with me”
“I did not feel any bound between you too, so he´s not sure about that which is good news for me”
“I don´t need to prove you anything” Zett said and she grinned
“Ah, Zett, that´s what I like about you” she said turning into another kind of woman, a slimmer one. She kissed Zett again, he draw his hand to her crotch and then I realized she hadn´t changed into a woman but into a man, a very female-looking man. Zett led him out.“I want that bed” Yotta said. Zett kissed him eagerly and lewdly to lift him and take him away.
I grabbed my rosary -which burn as much or more as the first time- and started to pray. I knew I was living in a demon´s house but to see first hand what that life was without being able to do anything made me sick. Every bead was being carved into my hands as I held it and prayed. About what felt like a couple of hours later, the door was opened and I looked back for I had learned to recognize Zett presence and this was no Zett, it was the man that Zett had carried away.
“Oh, angel, you are mine” he said. The evil in his eyes seemed to glisten like water drops. I said nothing. He walked towards me.
“I am nobody´s anything” I said when he was too close to me.
“Oh, yes you are, you are Zett´s prisoner and Zett´s my underling, therefore, you are mine” he said grabbing my hand with his. My heart started to beat fast. I knew this demon didn´t want to beat me, he wanted something else I could see it in his eyes but I knew he would beat me if he had to just to get what he wanted.
“Zett” I said and I wasn´t sure if I was asking for help, which I knew I wouldn´t get, or if I was asking Yotta to remember what Zett had said. Yotta laughed.
“You see, Zett is with me now, yeah, I´m with him in that bedroom of his and I´m here with you as well, two at once, a demon and an angel, what´s better than that for a boring day?”
“No!” I said mad and pushed him. I noticed that he didn´t feel to be as strong as he was before. I was too scared at the moment to realize Yotta had the power to divide himself and be at two places at once.
“You can fight but I´ll win” he said getting close and lifting me from behind. He placed his mouth over my neck.
“Zett” I called again, I wasn´t sure why though.
“Ah, he won´t save you, he´s too busy to listen to those whispers” the demon said against my neck while his hands held me against him. I was desperate, this was worst than being beaten. I tried to fight it and as I did so I had a memory of the time in which I was a guardian angel, it was as if my brain was telling me to try what I had seen, and I did.
“Zett, I summon you to come to me upon the pact we have” I could barely say the words.
“Aren´t you stupid!” the demon yelled at me and then grabbing me from my neck threw me against the wall, hard, he walked to me and was about to punch me but something interrupted him.
“Yotta, you might be my elder but this angel is mine” Zett said angrily, Yotta turned to him and when he saw Zett, he started to shake his head. Zett´s eyes seemed to have fire burning inside.
“You wouldn´t...” Yotta said. Zett started to talk in a strange language that I didn´t understand but I knew was the language of demons and when he finished a misty dust seemed to come out of Yotta and into Zett, Yotta seemed to be in pain. Zett was glaring at Yotta the whole time, he too seemed to be in discomfort, once that wind or dust that went through Yotta stopped he fell on his knees.
“Even though now you have the same power as I have, I can still take you down”
“I want no fight with you, Hiosp Yotta -Zett bowed his head slightly-, Drea will show you the way out” Zett said faking politeness that I was sure he wasn´t trying to hide.
“You´re ruining our relationship -the demon said- and all for a fallen angel” he almost spitted the words. Yotta glared but got up and out following Drea, the servant. I had been watching all along still on the floor where Yotta had left me, my hand was made a fist, a fist that burnt since I still had the rosary in it.
Zett walked fast to where I was and taking advantage of my surprise of what had happened kissed me, energy lightly flowing to me. I pushed him away and though I wasn´t strong enough to really push him away he moved.
“I´m sorry -the demon said- I just...”
“I don't want any of that damned demon inside me” I interrupted him while startling myself at my words. He smiled.
“It´s not his any longer, it´s mine...” he said leaning forward but not enough to touch his lips to mine. The energy going out of his mouth was like magnetism but I leaned away. He didn´t follow me.
“Are you ok? did he do something to you?” Zett, still in his male form, asked while buttoning my shirt.
I shook my head lightly.“I heard you call my name” he stated, I simply looked into his eyes “how did you know how to call me?” he asked putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
“I´ve seen humans do it like that” I simply said avoiding details. He raised an eyebrow.
“Good that you saw that then.” he said. I said nothing. “You should let go of that rosary, you are burning your hand” he said taking my hand and then the rosary that he placed again on the nightstand.
Like the demon named Yotta he shifted to a very androgynous form which was his own form and held my hand, the demon was feeding me. I looked at my jailer intently.“This is not Yotta -the crimson eyes seemed to smile as if copying the lips below them- this is me now, because it´s coming out of me not him”
“What happened?” I asked in a barely audible voice. Our hands still clasped together.
“You refuse to talk to me yet you ask questions?” the demon said but the voice tone showed that I was going to get an answer so I waited.
“Tell you what -my jailer said- if you tell me why you appeared at my door and let me feed you through my mouth, I´ll tell you everything that you want to know about today”
I looked away. According to the deal we had I had to obey what Zett wanted so I didn´t want to say no, but of course I didn´t want to say yes either.
“Tell me what you think -I still looked away- answer me” crimson eyes finished with more authority. I sighed still feeding from the one who had wronged me so badly. It was so ironic.
“I don´t want kisses and I don´t feel like talking about that”
“Won´t you kiss me as a thank you for taking Yotta´s hand off of you” the demon said quite persuasively while lifting my chin with the hand that wasn´t holding mine. I shook my head.
“Ok -the demon continued- won´t you let me kiss you as a ´thank you´” I stayed quiet for a second and then, still looking into his crimson eyes I parted my lips just a bit and breathed once through my mouth. His eyes looked at my lips and then to my eyes, a question dancing in them. I kept looking at the intense crimson eyes and as the face that held them got closer I closed my green eyes. It was just a light kiss but it felt to be filled with energy.
Whoa, this was kinda erotic. Lol. @_@ I had no problem with it though. Heh heh
ReplyDeleteWhat does Zett want with the human(fallen angel)? I'm trying to figure it out....
How do you pronounce Yotta's whole name?_?
I got pervy muses for this one lol but it wasn´t vulgar was it? I´d hate if it was.
Deletemh,I can´t tell that yet ;)
Hiosp? I´ll try to think of a way to let you know that ´cause I can´t think of any right now...
Not vulgar. It was fine ;)