******more babbling ´bout me***** no need to read at all***
ok- so instead of posting another part of any of my stories though I´ve written some more I´ll just rant a little about something that´s sort of been bothering me but not really but I thought I should write it since I´m keeping this what? journal-thingy over here and well, I´ve found that my sort-of-journal thingies are quite fun to read when years pass and well, yeah at times I think I was so silly back then but yeah... w/e
Anyways what´s been sort of bothering me but not really is that daddy -ok, I´m so bad at sarcasm n that´s why I write because you actually tell something like -and character-name said sarcastically- when you write so its easier to know so the "daddy" part would b followed by -she said sarcastically- lol if this was any of my stories. ok, back to it, daddy is not talking to me -wait what? weren´t you guys supposed to not talk at all? well, yeah, only when necessary but the thing is that since I´ve been too sick to drive myself anywhere he´s been doing all the driving which´s been a lot and though I know he´s the first one who wants me to get better so that he doesnt have to drive me anymore he´s been doing it and idk to fill the silence while in the car he´s been starting conversation, stuff never really related to us -to us together, like bonding- , like guns and cars and politics and even gay teachers -yeah- oh, also gay male nurses since there was one at the hospital where my doc works.....
well, Thursday night, this old friend from highschool came to my house and I know father was thinking what he always said "I wish my daughter was a very very fat fat girl" ok, this is not intended to harm anybody with overweight at all but yeah we live in a prejudiced world where basically ppl believe being skinny equals beauty but well, to b fair I´m not thin as a choice, exactly, I mean mom´s side of the family is like that plus that eating disorder I had during highschool -no, I did not threw up- added to a fast methabolism makes me thin even if I´m so lazy -or too sick- to ever work out. Ok, again, back to the story, this friend came and wow! the poor guy! I´m sure father gave him his death glare... but his guy´s not shy so we talk for a while with him and mom -father never said a word even when I tried to make him participate... then when I was going to bed I said goodnight and he didn´t asnwer. I wanted to laugh!
The next day he didn´t open the door for me or help me to get in the car as he has been doing everyday, because, well I do need help to get in the car and then in the whole 30-35 drive he didn´t say a word and when he dropped me at my work he just turn around and didn´t say goodbye! come on! he was acting like a child! and he also complained to my brother and asked him to talk to me! pshhh but I saw that one comming of course my bro´s much better than that, he knows me. I felt like so in the past hahaha but well, men in family are really protective of women in our family but this is quite funny because I´m not longer a teenager yet it seems that he thinks of me that way which is kinda endearing in a twisted way...
Ah, to make matters funniers, mom and grandma are having such a great time with this! they laugh lots just by seeing him affected for a friend visiting me, but I do think mom is having too much fun -n kinda jumping to conclussions but of course my mom being my mom that´s only natural -she´s like no other mom, she even was trying to set me up with this guy -a doctor btw just because I mentioned once that if you´d choose someone based on their carreers I´d go for a doctor, an architect or I don't remember what other I said but yeah... this is funny in a strange way oh, this is like that time in higshcool when my brother´s friend started to come to our house and then he came more and more and he and I became friends, my father didn´t know and then one day he came earlier and saw my bro´s friend talking to me and he totally went to "father-mode" telling mom to talk to me about the guy blah blah and then mom -n for the first time she went to "mother-mode" went to have a "talk" to me but in a very strange-formal way a way she never speaks to me and I totally freaked out! they made me close up to them the way the handled thing, quite awkward for me, you can´t go to a teenager that way, specially me, at that time I was worrying for way too many thing and was scared about way too many things and they go and scared me like that hahaha but now it´s just freaking funny...
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