Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When it was what it isn´t now

I´m down again
won´t you please tell me
everything´s going to be ok
like when I believed
like when I thought I´d be

I´m shivering
´cause that´s what tears do
they make one cold from the core
won´t you please hug me tight
like when you cared
like when you wanted to hold me always

I´m alone again
loner than before
like when you saw me
like when I didn´t care
tell me you´re here for me

Just let me lay my head on your shoulder
I apologize for my tears
I just don´t know where else to take them
I want to feel it´s then and not now
just a little while....
like when it was what it isn´t now...


  1. This feels like a nostalgia piece. or remorse for what was/could of been.
    Like not wanting to be a bother to someone but at the same time they're the only person who can be trusted not to turn you away.

    1. yeah, I guess, there was anger too.

      In that you´re right.
      Thank you for reading, and as always, thank you very much for your thoughts on what´s posted ^^
