Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Light is raining
Standing still
It bathes every surface
It hides so much
Pretty and unmoved
Words that will never get to you
Sunlight makes me invisible
Pierced words of affection
Delusion of a mirrors house
Light keeps raining
Damping my days
Washing you away
Hanging you like a corpse on display
It´s your shape but it´s all me
Spiders knit memories for me
A fake smile under the light rain
Never true, never real
As tangible as my heart
The mirage my mind decided to show me
Light is raining...

1 comment:

  1. that hanging corpse part was a little creepy but the rest was kind of melancholic. Not kind of - a lot!
    Makes me think of talking but not being heard. Or talking but being heard in a way you didn't intend.
    Also kind of feels like the shadows that still manage to exist despite it being super light or bright in a place.
