The day will come when we won't have to cry,
When the only pain will be in our bellies after laughing too much
The day will come when we see only sunrise, and the sun won't hurt our eyes and it will not burn our skin
The day will come when our dreams won't be anymore, they'll be our life;
Nightmares will be over, the memory of a life that's so deep in the past that it might just be a legend
The day will come when our hearts will be light as a feather and songs will burst out of our chest
I have seen that day, it's in my mind, it is not a story, it is not a dream, it is a fact.
The clock's ticking, taking us closer to the moment we long for
It is right ahead in our path, waiting for us to arrive, at the right time, when we are supposed to, right when all the planets align and the stars shine and the sun forgets whether it's rising up or sinking in
The time will come
Oct 2014
The funny thing is that I get these moments in which I glimpse these things and then... pain comes and life happens... And it's just a dream but I guess that when I wrote it, the few minutes it took me to do it, when it poured out of my mind, I believed it, I saw it