Sunday, October 26, 2014


When you sleep will it be with me?
That's a question in the song that's stuck in my head;
It's a question that once toyed with my brain.
She is dressed in a black elegant dress.
Only once she's let me see her curls, I mused, always straightened hair.
She's walking towards the stage.
In my eyes, she glides magnificently, she's a star.
I'm far apart, all the way across the ocean of people.
What if she calls me to her and I can't walk to her side, I fretted in my mind.
She's so beautiful.
She's ethereal to my eyes
You taught me that things don't have to be perfect for it to be perfect, I wrote for her.
From the distance, she looks at me, she smiles
I have a goofy grin. I love her smile, tiny smirk, it ignites her eyes.
I want to go to her.
I need her to come to me. She's smiling at me, and I think that she will come to me.
I'm all nerves, I'm all excitement
All I want to do is to look at her, in her black elegant dress.
I wake up with the warmth of her embrace,
Like when she used to hug me tightly
The sunlight bathes my room completely, it hurts my eyes 
It's five thirty in the morning
I want so bad to see her,
Only, Ella would make me wake up so early in the morning willingly
I shook my head and sighed. I hadn't dreamed of her in a while.

Oct 25 2014

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