A/N: I can´t remember if last time I called her house "Cristales house" or "Crystals house" -geez I hate when this happens to me- I get it for mixing languages ><
Well, I apologize if I made a mistake at naming it in this one
people!” she thought as she huffed. Sure, at the beginning they were bad
people. Karl showed her the faces in the news, he was always kind when she ‘helped´
him. In a year after that first time they moved out of the modest house to
where he built the Crystals house, which had been her mother´s dream and that
she´d made all the blueprints and sketches of every little detail. Nichole had
been happy that even though her mom didn´t get to see the house she´d helped to
make her dream come true, the downside of it all was the nightmares and the
constant feeling of being a bad person. The “missions” as Tilly called them
came more often, one every other week and sometimes one every week. She kept
playing the part of the lost girl to the point that even an urban legend was
created: the lost girl at lonely places. She was always scared and the feeling
when they died scared her and made her let go too soon causing some of the
victims to stay alive a little longer in time to go to the hospital and talk
about the little lost girl but they usually died there on in the way to the
A few escaped
at least for a while, once she was older and more trained in breaking into
places, on how to sneak into people´s lives she was sent to them and they
finally died, but they never knew it was the same person, she never thought
they even suspected, she had changed so much, her face no longer showed
emotions of fear or regret, those were buried deep in her mind.
As time
went by, more houses and fancy things came. They, her father and her and her
mother´s friend Celia, by then her nanny, were the only ones that lived in
Crystals house while Tilly and all the torture stayed in the farthest side of
the property. Nichole sighed audibly and the driver glanced through the rear
mirror but he quickly looked away. It made
her remember the first time that she´d ridden in a car similar to this one, the
man had looked at her concerned, she was scared to death yet she had already
managed her rehearsed smile and intent glare, Tilly was all over her by
couldn´t comprehend how exactly her childhood had turned out like that, she´d
been happy and she´d been like Camille, eavesdropping her father, being very
curious. Nichole smiled fondly when she remembered her little sister. Back then
she heard she was being sent away. She had been sad. She remembered being
shocked and scared when the door of her father´s office swung open, his eyes
widened and she had shied away but he had smiled and pull her gently into an
embrace, he had picked her up and kissed her cheek, he had promised everything
was going to be ok, that it was just a change so that she could be the best,
that she was going to come home during the holidays and weekends and it was
true for the first year but she´d gone home to Tilly and her training methods yet,
at nights she could go back to the main house and have dinner like always but
after the incident with her roommate nothing had been the same, her father was
more and more distant until she started to go home to an empty house with only
Celia and then once her father got married again she came home to an empty
house and then she didn´t get to be at home anymore.
sighed quietly as the black car stopped. She got off and walked a couple of
blocks. The streets were empty, the rain had almost stopped, there was only a
light drizzle falling. Nichole found the house she was looking, jumped over the
fence and with the key she´d received in the envelope she opened the door
quietly locking it behind her and went upstairs, the house was dark.
She walked
to the main room and found a couple sleeping. The man snored loudly and the
woman had her back to him. Nichole walked to the window and opened it then she
stood next to the bed and the monster caressed the woman´s face until her life
had been stolen, after it she looked as peacefully as she´d been before.
Nichole went out the window and closed it carefully, it all seemed the same
inside the room but it was not, the monster had been there. Nichole jumped to
the grass landing on her feet and then she walked slowly feeling the weight of
another life on her shoulders. She got in the car, the driver glanced her
“Take me to
Crystals house” she spoke to the man for the first time. His expression was
“I have
orders to take you back to where I picked you” he wavered as he said this
“Take me to
Crystals house, the distance from here to there is the same, no one will notice”
she said calmly. The man seemed to consider it.
“I can´t
disobey my orders”
won´t be consequences”
“I´m sorry…”
he really seemed sorry
“Do as I say or there will be consequences right
here, right now” she threated and smiled her trained and faked smile. The man
stared at her, he opened his mouth to talk but no words came out. He obviously
remembered his first encounter with her. “I´ll compensate your kindness and discretion”
she softened her gaze, the man inhaled sharply not knowing what to do “Alé,
take me to my home” she prompted and winced inwardly at her choice of words. “Allez,
allez, Nicky, take me down” Tilly used to say to her when training in fighting
skills, the monster was indeed Tilly Marchelly´s house. Nichole felt like crying or hitting something.Philip, the driver had left her on the corner of the three acre property. Before she got off she handed the driver some bills kept together on a clip “Than you” she said sincerely and close the door. She waited until he left, she started to walk round the corner opposite to the main entrance, that side of the property was confused with the woods that sided two of the property’s ends, on one of the border of it there was a small stream that now due to the rain had gotten wider. Nichole followed the familiar stream up to where the stream was narrower and more shallow, she crossed walking over an ancient fallen tree and walked up the small hill that was that side of the property, after a few minutes she saw the hut where Tilly used to live and the place where she used to train, there were still ropes tied to trees that she still use to climb. On top of the hill where the property continued in one level was a stone wall that surrounded the rest of the place. She easily climbed over it to a well-kept orchard, she walked to the back of the house to the big white tree where her mother was buried, she sat and placed the single white wild lily that she´d picked before climbing the wall, it made no difference, her mother´s grave always had flowers. “I miss you mom” she whispered as the rain kept falling.
The ending beaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteHer going to visit her mother after doing a "mission" is like her asking her mother to forgive her actions and to offer her some kind of sanity. That's what I feel she's doing anyway... it could be something else but ... :(
Wow. Finding out about how things were when she first lived at the house was eye opening! Spying on her father in his study like an adorable little toddler who wants to play is such a cute image in my mind. And Karl actually picking her up like a GOOD father is super - whoa! I have no words for that.
Dang it! I feel like I may not hate him as much anymore but I still hate him. Nic thinks she's a monster because of him.
I thought the victim would be the snoring husband since you wrote of him being loud but what a twist of the tale to kill the quiet wife. When he wakes up he'll just think she's asleep :(
I was wondering why she locked the door behind her. Lol. I was like Um Nic, how will you be getting out? But duh! She always goes through the window no matter which way she enters. :D
She's definitely a cat. But she's more like a wild, nature cat rather than a domestic city cat. Although the city cats are more graceful. So I guess she's just a cat period. Haha that whole comment was weird. Sorry. :)
It's good to learn about Nic's past and that she isn't burying it anymore.
Is it weird that I don't trust her mom the same as I don't trust her dad?_? It's just strange that she was involved with all these people.... sigh.
I'm sorry but I drew a blank about the other comment I had. :(
Can't wait for more!!!
I think it´s what you said, makes her feel real.
Delete:D she loved him and he was a good dad, he´s a good dad to Camille ;) Every body has at least a tiny tiny portion of goodness somewhere inside them, even him. I hate him too haha
She would´ve thought it was the man too but in times like that she just tries not to think and do as she´s told... like she said sometimes she trades knowledge for the sense of normalcy
hahaha I loved the comment about the cat. I looooove it! I like the image of the wild cat, maybe she´s a mix of that, a wild but graceful cat ;)
Nat and what she said made her thoughts get out of control, she doesn´t want to think but she hast to figure it out so... the memories are some kind of side-effect of the talk with Nat
REally? you think she was like her dad? mh that´s a very intersting thought
I´m not sorry about any of the things you said, I love your comments always
yay! you´ll get more soon, I´m sticking up to the Nov challenge we took :p