This is in Germany... it feels like a place that Nichole would pick haha |
A/N: I´m not sure about this tittle -again- mmm oh, well...
“We’re so
very sorry we´re late but Josh hadn´t even gotten up” Maya complained as they
got in the Art Club Room
“I didn´t
even know we were coming to your rehearsal!” Josh defended himself, Jonah
smiled amused.
forgot to tell him” Jill rolled her eyes and they all took seats on the floor,
Jonah hurried to them and his violin. Josh walked to Nichole, the rest hadn´t
seen her until he kept walking to her work space, she´d been partially covered
by one of the canvas in which she was working. When the rest noticed her Jonah
started to play a quick song and they all focused on him.
“Hey! I
didn´t expect to find you here” Josh smiled and glanced at the purple box she
was putting in her bag
“I know”
she said quietly, he looked up at her with a small frown and then he pulled one
of the tall stools and sat close to her. Everybody was quiet the whole time
Jonah was playing song after song, when one song ended they clapped and made
cheering sounds.
“Are you going?
“Josh asked above a whisper, she shook her head and then looked out the window.
“Do you
want to go now?” Josh smiled touching the hand she had on her knee, their
little fingers lingered for a second as he passed his hand on her palm, she
watched their hands and then at Josh´s green eyes and narrowed her eyes just a
fraction, and there was a tiny smile on the side of her mouth. He winked as he
got up to take a guitar out of the cabinets, he walked to where Jonah was and
sat next to him, right in front of where Nichole was. Josh lifted the guitar
when Jonah looked at him, the other boy grinned and nodded as he started to
change the melody so that the two of them could join in a song, the rest
clapped and after a while they all joined in the playing and singing to end up
sounds really well –Mike said right when he entered the door- we could use that
for our presentation” he grinned and everybody copied him
“The girls
will need to practice until their throat bleeds though” Bryan said. Jill rolled
her eyes and Maya playfully hit him.
“The girls
will commit to it –Mike said and they narrowed their eyes- Sorry I wasn´t here,
you guys, the meeting got longer than expected”
worry about that “Jonah replied.
Nichole?” Mike asked looking around; they all looked at her working space and
immediately after to Josh who just shrugged
“Ok, I
guess you’ll have no grade for today´s practice, you´ll have to ask her for
that later –the teacher grinned- ok, we´ll practice on Monday” he said walking
to his desk. The boys went to put the instruments back in their cabinets.
didn´t you invite Nichole to go with us? She´ll think we are ignoring her” Jill
asked while they were all going down the stairs out the arts building.
“I told her
but she had things to do, maybe next time” he replied somehow hesitant
“She´s such
a busy person –Maya said- Do you think she didn´t want to go with us?” he voice
was always child-like, she always sounded like pouting
“She must
be busy, she´s one of the students on the top list… that can’t be easy” Bryan
commented mostly to himself.
They went
to the main entrance where they walked to the bus stop.
“Aw! Why
didn´t you guys let me call the driver?” Maya pouted
makes you good, besides, rich girl, you never lived if you didn´t ride a bus”
Bryan teased Maya
“That´s not
my fault” she lightly pushed him “I bet no one here has ever taken the bus
“I have”
said Josh. He’d taken the bus with Nichole except they had gone through the
woods first.
“You have?!
–she gasped- when?” Maya asked
You´re not like the other rich kids then?” Bryan commented
“The other
rich kids?” Josh repeated. Bryan pointed to the rest of the group. Jill rolled
her eyes.
“He´s one
of the few with scholarships in here –Jill explained- you gotta remind us how
smart you are don´t you?” she poked her tongue at him. He gasped
“I´ve never
said that! Besides my brain brought me here, why should I apologize for that?”
he said crossing his arms
“Oh so
smart, guide us on our way” the girls said at the same time and immediately laughed
“You girls
are like twins separated at birth” Bryan shook his head
“Ugh, don’t
associate me with her!” Jill wrinkled her nose
“Aw, you
know you love me” Maya grinned
“I hate
you” Jill said
“I hate you
too!” Maya replied lovingly. They both hugged. The boys shook their heads
“That thing
was so slow” Maya complained once they were already in town
“You’re so
whiney!” Jonah huffed, she gasped.
“Are you
mad at me?” she grabbed him by his arm; he shook his head as they walked.
you!” she kissed her cheek
“Where are
we eating” Jonah asked to no one in particular
Maya said in a high pitched voice
“Ugh! No!
Maya, that´s all you eat! It´s a miracle that you aren´t over weighted” Jill
wrinkled her nose.
“Pffff! I
make my miracles at the gym” she poked her tongue out to Jill
“We should
go to the mall, to the food court, that way we can get what we want” Bryan
“Walk fast,
people! I'm hungry!” Maya prompted walking faster still holding Jonah´s arm
“I pity
you… the flea is stuck to you” Jill laughed
first, I´ll get back to you later”
“She´s so
hyper” Josh commented
excited of being out here and not in the school”
They kept
walking; Jonah and Maya were lost on the street. They were walking faster than
the rest.
ahead, I´ll catch up to you in a while” Josh suddenly said and walked the
opposite way. Bryan and Jill looked at each other dumbfounded but they shrugged
and kept walking after a second.
“I thought
you wouldn´t come” Josh sat on a chair and was met with an almost imperceptible
smile “Why don´t you join us?”
“I like it
“This is
where we came the first time we came to the town”
“The day
you got a scar”
“You should
sit if you´re staying or leave if you´re not, people´s staring at you standing
there” the girl interrupted him
inviting me to stay?” he smiled with the side of his mouth
“Or to
leave” she raised an eyebrow. She pushed her French fries plate to the middle
of the table. His forest green eyes seemed to smile as he sat in front of her.
“What are
you having?”
“A turkey
“I didn´t
think I´d see you today” he said after ordering his lunch.
“Same here,
it´s late”
“We came in
a very slow bus”
“When you
take it at the main gate, it takes twice as long…”
“I don´t
think I could remember your path”
“Never take
that path on your own” her tone was serious
“No?” he
raised his eyebrows
no” she stared into his eyes intently, he furrowed his eyebrows “We´ve only
been to the clearer part of the woods, you could get lost there, anything could
“Have you
ever gotten lost there?”
“I have a
good sense of direction but yeah, I got lost a few times but that was a long
time ago –she seemed to be remembering those times, his face became sad as he
saw her expression, she seemed to notice and in a second her face changed to
her usual nonchalant demeanor –just don´t go there”
“I won´t”
he smiled a little, she slightly bowed her head.
I don't know why but I like when he said "No?" when she told him not to go to the woods. It was so cute. Lol. Okay weird moment over.
ReplyDeleteI like Bryan. He is so snappy and cool. He just has this flowy relaxed feel that is normal but also stands out. He seems to be the brains(not in the intellectual sense but just a smart person)
And how adorable was Jonah distracting everyone by playing his violin so they wouldn't try to talk to Nic?! That was so cute of him. He likes her awww
EEEE! Nic came to town!!! She is so nice(unless she has business there then - jerk! hahaha). She is like a french fry eating machine. And yet she doesn't gain a pound. It's no wonder the other girls hate her so much. She has them beat no matter what she does.
I don't know if you noticed or not but this is something I noticed when Josh went to the movies with the other kids and now this time confirms it - He doesn't talk much with his peers. He always watches and reacts but he barely comments unless someone directly asks him something by name. I guess he might just be trying to stay out of trouble or something...?
I'm actually EXTREMELY suprised Aaron didn't try to coax him into hanging out with him and his annoying leech Michelle!? very shocking indeed.
And it ends right when the cuteness begins! grrrr... Nic worrying is so sweet. She immediately got protective. Awwww *hugs her*
he´s cute, so it´s not weird ;)
DeleteI like him too, and yes, he´s the normal kid there. I like all the Art Club kids.
He does like her ;) I liked him doing that too, it was nice of him and it also means he notices her ways
lol so which one is it? jerk or cute? :p hahaha you´ll see soon ;)
hahaha she loves those things, to b fair she walks and runs a lot in the woods and she loves to swim so... haha
That is just his personality, he doesn´t show it but he´s a quiet boy, it´s the opposite of his twin, I think it´s like that to keep some kind of balance?
hahaha Aaron is not as annoying as he seems to b either :p he loves his brother despite the way he often acts
she´s looking at you with a raised eyebrown :p -but don´t worry the cuteness continues -for at least the next two posts- ;)