Not to be liked, really -you´ve been warned, I guess
A cheerful good morning
diligent hands
eyes disguised of happiness
vegetables peels
staring too much at the knife
glass-like gaze
the sharp edge seems appealing
a question in the brain
breath in and breath out
peaceful sleep
drum´s tropical music
the silver knife being the mirror of a sad eye
horror inside the soul
warm summer evening
angels are not enough
colors bluring in an inocuous white
swallowed by a pitch black whole
soft voice with gentle disposition
punctures to the side, bleeding sides
stripped of energy, of fire to fight
one, two, three
faith, repeat, faith, repeat
it all went black
fantasy is shelter
the wheel spins again
a cheerful good morning
talent to make others see
pain all over
the knife, the cliff, the rope, the pills
any day
strawberry colored life staining the tiles
a nightmare, a dream, so wrong
prays of the gray dust covered saints
stories, tales, suggary promises
shattered glass, broken doll
stainless steel easily going through butter-like surface
thoughts, purposes and confidence
a waste, 500 bits going up and down
never enough
gray matter going red, grey going black
any day...
love spilling
air is not enough
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