Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rain in the desert

Oh my friend...this is what you do to me
You make me melt in sighs
And you make me rise in bubbles.
You are there in my head 
Even when I´m trying to keep it free from you
You got me up and down
And there´s never been a better antidepressant than you
And there´s never been a more effective depressant than you
You make me hallucinate
You make me walk straight while walking all over the place
There are thousands of things I´d like to tell you
And in my reveries I go all out for you
But I just can´t talk to you
Just ignore it all, the advices go
Do just the same, make that one go crazy
It seems, my friend, that I have the effect on you
That a fallen leave has on earth.... I just wither away
Nothing that I might say is enough
I never reach you enough
I never have you enough
Yet you got me too much
And you make me go insane, so much more
How did you carved yourself a home in my heart without working for it at all?
It´s unfair, my friend, you have that space abandoned, dark and waiting for you
While I have nowhere to go
Not even to you because there´s no room in you for me...
Sure, you´ll give me shelter whenever it rains... 
But I´m just a temporary guest... 
Or maybe a decorator and even a healer or a builder
Sometimes a fire for when´s cold
Or a ice for when´s too hot
A blanket for winter and sweet tea for summer
A doll if you want to play...
Whatever you want me to be, I am
Never what I want to be for you, that´s not to be reached by me
And this, my dearest, is what you do to me
You make me bleed words
And make me cry thoughts
And make me dream of illusions that turn to nightmares
All while gently uttering a word or two, 
Like rain in the desert


  1. This makes me sad. Like I'm a terrible person but it's kind of true. I'm no good with people and I prepare for them to pull away so often that I guess I end hurting people while I try to prepare myself. I'm sorry though. I'm just no good with people, talking, giving and all that stuff. It's kind of a shame but I may be damaged beyond repair. I don't know what I can do but whatever it is it'll be no good.... sigh

    1. As I was doing it I wasn´t feeling sad, this was just what my thoughts were at the moment and now that I read it again, yeah, it´s sad. But no, you are not a terrible person, you´re actually quite the opposite.

      what you do is genial don´t ever think otherwise. Who you are really makes a difference, ok? sure you might be shy -n you know I am- but as I said earlier, two negatives make a positive ;)
