A/N: it´s Nov 30 and I have two posts ready to be published, never in this blog´s history that has happened!!! I wonder what´s going on with this, now... perhaps because for the next month I wont be doing much due to paperwork I have to complete for work.... sigh... I wanted to have finished this story by December 10th... I guess Iwont make it...
ah, more mysteries solved... hahaha I consider this one to be the peak of this story -I imagine stories like some kind of mountain/summit hahaha
oh! Saku, you were asking the other day -quite in a passionate way, I think (which was great)- what was certain character doing in this story if he was being treated a certain way -that you seemed to dislike a lot-... well, here it is, what I didn´t say then, I hope this one answers that question
oh! Saku, you were asking the other day -quite in a passionate way, I think (which was great)- what was certain character doing in this story if he was being treated a certain way -that you seemed to dislike a lot-... well, here it is, what I didn´t say then, I hope this one answers that question
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I hope I hadnt used this one before... I think it´s perfect for this one. Saku, thank you for showing it to me ^^ |
and I had a little theory that proved to be correct, you only got sick if the
cause was inserted in your blood stream by some kind of wound that stayed exposed,
but you wouldn´t die of that, you seemed on the verge of it but after careful
study we saw your body sort of shut off as if to focus all its energy in
getting rid of the illness, of course, you were and I suspect are vulnerable in
the times you are about to shut off but we knew with training you wouldn´t get
to that.
bet you´re wondering if we made you sick, well, yes, we did, guess who did the punctures.
Nati, she made them and then she tended them, you were so naïve, always forgave
her. This little information, how to make you sick, besides helping us with the
vaccine issue, helped us to convince your mom to give us another child, she
said “when Nicky turns five”. We took care of her, she was our great hope and
it seemed that we were on our way to success again, another baby and a little
girl who was the culmination of our dream, it was great until tragedy happened.
Nichole was thinking once again in the
book, on what she´d read, she´d known since she got it that it couldn´t be good
but it was worse than what she thought. She´d had the black notebook for a
while and she´d carried it but she knew she´d been scared to find out, something
inside had told her not to read it, to keep that double life, to be the monster
a little bit more for the sake of the girl, the student, the friend, the artist
but that day in the park, when another promise had been broken her anger had
taken over her, it felt almost like it had a life of its own, wanting to be
A lot had happened since then, a lot and
not much, she´d been running away, she´d been angry at Nat, she´d been worried
about josh, she´d been let the monster take all her worries away. It had been
hard to get the courage to read Ibsen´s story, her own story but once this was
done, once she´d read the first part, she´d read all the way, over and over,
the same, not finding courage enough to finish reading the part about the
tragedy. She´d gone away again and again but she´d hid the notebook from
herself, she´d been scared of it but she had to, she had to finish it, she had
to know.
you notice how I´ve mentioned a couple of names here and there? Besides Nati
and your puppeteer father you should pay attention to Alexander. By the time
you read this I´ll be dead by your hand but he´ll be well and alive. If you
were to look at our relationship from the outside, we´re in good terms, all his
family thinks of me as a friend but that is not true. I have a grudge against
him. I´ll even tell you later where to find him but don´t worry he thinks we´re
fine, he and I, I needed to be close to him to be able to inform you, to tell
you more about him, or at least what matters. Now, my once perfect child, I
will tell you why, me, his most loyal friend is against him.
was a sunny afternoon when Alexander received a phone call, you were being
trained. We had agreed that some ballet would benefit you; you danced so
beautifully, he and I were watching you when he answered the phone. His face
lost all its color; he was pale so suddenly that I was worried.
received the news that his little grandson had an accident. You see, Alexander
has four children, the ones that he calls his, two of his first wife, that he
adored, his pride and eldest: Erick and Angela and two of his second wife:
Eleanor and Alan. He´s like a lion protecting his kids and he adores his
grandchildren specially Erick´s.
was shocked by the news that Erick´s son had fallen into the pool… long story
short, the boy had practically died; his heart was failing, stopping. Alex
urged them to bring him to Redwood Larch hospital, our hospital, in the meantime
he started to pace our lab, his face contorted, and his eyes focused somewhere
far. In the time it took the ambulance to get to the hospital, not even five minutes,
he had made a plan that would destroy our project, our perfect child and in the
end our lives.
had planned to use you, he was convinced it would work, if he could only make
the little boy´s heart beat again, he was convinced your ability to heal, the
larger flow of oxygen in your blood and your amazing immune system would fix
the boy´s brain and possible damaged organs. I tried to convince him that we
had no way of knowing that, that we hadn´t done that big advance in the
vaccines or other experiments related to regenerate organs. I told him that we
had never tried anything so big, that he could compromise your life, that the
boy was already dead but he was determined, he barked his orders to Nati and
the rest. As the boy was rushed downstairs to our safe lab you were being
hastily prepared.
was such a sad scene, the man was desperate. If the water hadn´t hurt the boy´s
heart and lungs, Alexander would have fried his little heart with how he tried
to make his heart beat, he tried until I though he was going to give up, he
didn’t and in a frenzy he made you take all the strain. You had to be the boy,
you had to heal and revive the boy. I could say that at some point you had two
beating hearts, both your chests cut open. Nati was in charge to make up an
excuse so that your parents were calm, they saw you through a camera or so they
thought, Nati was a computer genius. She made a great job.
few hours later after the boy was connected to you, what we knew happened, your
body shut off but it was like never before. You barely had brain activity. I
was so angry; I was convinced Alexander had killed our perfect child for a dead
body. Twenty four hours later we noticed the boy had started to have some brain
activity, another twenty four hours later it was in synchrony with yours. It
was lower than a living person when you were shut down like that, it made me
worried but this made Alexander relieved, I was skeptic, Sarah hoped and Nati
prayed with your parents in the chapel, many stories above our lab.
took over a week for your body to go back to somewhat normalcy and for it to make
the boy from dead to comatose. After over two weeks, his heart could beat on
its own, you were truly one with him back then, like one body, your blood went
in your organs and then to him and back to you, like some sort of cleansing machine.
On the third week after this you opened your eyes, you looked so pale, but I
was relieved and eager for the boy to be taken away from you but Alexander
barked again that we should observe how much you could do, you were more than
perfect he said and he got me there though I knew he Just wished his comatose
kid to wake up and he did, you did that, my perfect Nicky.
about eight weeks the boy woke up, he opened his eyes and after a couple of weeks
he breathed on his own, you were free from him then but still kept close. You
were the first person he saw, next to him, all pale, crying to be let out, you missed
your parents. I think you were scared of him too, he had been so cold all the
time, he had looked dead because he was until you brought him back.
week later, you were fine, you were left alone to go to your family, they were
happy and so were the rest of us. You, our project, our precious child had almost
literally beat death, only Alexander was worried, his little boy was broken,
his body, most of his functions were fine but he´d been reduced to something
less than a baby, no memories, no control over his limbs, mouth, nothing. He
didn´t talk, his eyes didn´t seem completely lost but most of the times they
were focused on nothing. The boy was no longer a boy.
had another one of his ideas: if you
could beat death you could teach his brain, it was crazy but somehow less
dangerous. I won’t get into detail, computers were filled with data on that,
for this small notebook to make it justice or for you to completely get it in
one go, even with your impressive brain but I´ll tell you that the information
on your brain made up his new information too, all that you knew, how to talk,
how to smile, how to move, how to recognize sounds and places…everything.
had to go over all that you had learned so that his brain made that connection
too, of course your body and mind were superior so that he couldn´t exactly
solve a second grader problem with just you doing it but he soon recovered his
speech, the ability to gain more words, to make sense of them, poor boy though,
that made him recognize what nightmares were and because you were attached you
had them too. I wonder if you ever remember them, it´s likely that you don’t,
your brain would protect itself from that, you probably don’t remember how
painful to bring him back was and how to make him function was, how his nightmares
frightened you at first. The boy would wake up and cry in pain as he had these
nightmares, he woke you up. After a while you did recognize they were not real
and how perfect you were that you found out how to calm him without words. “I
only tell him he´s next to me now” you explained Sarah when she asked you how
you did it “I think good thought” you smiled proudly.
new part, you teaching his brain, started with a week, a full week of you two
attached to the other, then we let you rest and him practice, he was so weak
and you kept being his cleansing machine so many times in the next months.
Alexander was right, you did make him better. After a while you both left yet
you both came back, Alexander was determined that you made the kid back to how
he was but when the boy started to talk of “the little girl” to his family
Alexander decided to put you two in different rooms, a glass and a blind
between you. You were so fond of him “The little boy is crying” you´d say to
Nati, she calmed you but when she left you moved the blinds and touched your
little hand to the glass, your face tear-stained for him.
a year went by, you turned six and by that time I noticed you were not learning
as fast as before, I blamed and still blame the boy. This time I was firm and
didn’t let Alexander keep using you, you had made the kid quite well already so
he agreed, besides, the boy kept asking for the little girl that no one saw or
so his grandpa made his parents and the boy believe.
went by, I was stupid to think the boy wouldn´t have a toll on you, you´d been
too long with him, you´d done too much. I never had time to study the small
changes it caused on your DNA, it was too big of a search… it all crashed against us when you started to get
sick out of nowhere, you were weak and
we didn’t know what was wrong. Alex and I argued all the time because of you
always getting sick. That year was a long year, it was either Miriam or you
that were inexplicably sick, every test negative and then the other assistants
kept losing the babies or did something stupid to compromise them and then the
final blow: something strange happened, your nurse fell as she draw blood from
you, a heart attack.
We didn’t know back then but that was the first
person you killed, one of us died that way too, an assistant and one of the almost
ready to be born babies too. Back then Sarah, Nati and myself didn´t die. It
was some intermittent thing you had, you touch seemed to transfers too much
electricity that hearts couldn´t handle or you took the energy and the same
happened. There was no way to stop it. Alexander seemed at a loss too, no
brilliant ideas this time, we fought so very loudly about this. You were healthy
but wouldn’t let anyone live and we couldn´t keep you for long in the lab, your
parents were picking you up, I didn’t want that if we lost Miriam, we lost our
chance. Karl´s birthday was in a month, the news of another child already in
her was going to be his birthday present.
stressed, let her go home” Alex said, he theorized that had been why me, Sarah
and Nati hadn´t suffered the destiny of the nurse, assistant and Paul. You went
and came back; Miriam was fine after that week. Alex wore a smirk that I wanted
to slap off of his face. We hadn’t figured out how to keep you from touching
and killing people. We sent you home again convinced it´d help you not to be
stressed in the lab. I was reluctant of it. I should´ve listened to my heart.
That week we lost Miriam and the perfect little one she carried and after that
we lost it all. Karl moved you out of the town. We tried to convince him to come
back or to give you to us but he wouldn´t come back or give you up “she´s so much
like Miriam” he repeated over and over.
Wow... This one knocked my previous post's theory out the window. It wasn't the vaccine but her body shutting down for too long that caused the change in her...? I wonder if she'll blame Josh the same as Ibsen does or his grandpa?
ReplyDeleteWhoa!! I just thought of something! His grandpa has been in the story the whole time! Lol but he conveniently never met Nic when Josh used the car! Clever.
But here I go again three posts in a row - I hate this woman! >_< she has the nerve to point out everyone's faults as if she has none whatsoever!? She sickens me with how hollow her heart is. She treats/talks about living beings like they're nothing more than cells and organisms and its so cruel! I noticed she described all the people with names: Alexander, Sarah, Nat - all having some kind of reaction to what was happening to either Josh or Nic, real emotion reactions and all her cold selfish self could think if was research being wasted! That's what she's mad about never mind two children almost died. Never mind those other babies' experiments failed while all that was going on. She's just too much! And then she talks like she's holier than thou constantly being condescending, like she's doing her a favor telling her that her life wasn't important but she owes her existence to them. Pfft whatever you psycho!
I like/hate Alexander. He's terrible for not even considering that Nic was a child and a person the same as Josh. I hated that coldness he showed her it was terrible! And he was terrible for not thinking that her family would feel the same sadness he was feeling if they knew her poor condition during that time, too!
But... His passion for trying to save his grandson made him seem kinda hot! Lololol crazy right?! He was though like yum! :D smh...
Oh! Soon as it said grandson I was like "oh no. Here it is". Lol I knew it was Josh right then but before that I got kind of scared. I thought you were going to have him be one of the babies her mom was carrying and I was like that makes zero sense unless he got soras'd or something and that'd be completely "WHAT?". Lol but phew you didn't loose your marbles and it made sense. Ha! And this is where that shared dream came from and why he was in the lab. Also this shows that his mind was working when they thought it wasn't. They continuously underestimated these children at every turn.
Oh and what's up with the three females not getting killed by Nic's hand at first?!! What's up with that?! I always figured there was some kind of way for her not to kill with her hands but I don't think I can come up with a coherent enough description of those thoughts here. Lol I'd be well over 4,000 characters going into that! Lol
Great post! I really liked this one even better than the previous one!
Oh and one more thing - how is that Karl is STILL a mystery even after he appears again?! That man is like Peter Pan's shadow or something!! Just slips through your fingers! >_<