Sunday, July 31, 2011

luz blanca

...because it is all white
endlesly white, esterile, empty
all white or maybe just all the colors spinning around
every single color bluring, one after another, layers of color
making everything white.

...because the white light wont allow nothing to be seen
it blinds all eyes,
even the air is white, or maybe full of every color
colors that swirl around intoxicating the senses.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


it´s all blury
it´s all pain
confusing sounds
too many images
too much to take,
am I in some kind of fictional jungle?

little chimming bells keep me walking
I dont know where to,
Im just walking straight ahead,
always straight ahead,
is there a place to arrive to?

the flowers behind me, at the side of the road,
were watered with my tears, with my own sweat,
the ones ahead are being drenched on my blood,
their thorns are merciless, no remorse since they´ll die soon.

ahead, always ahead and the sun is setting.
walking and walking, the rain is comming.
opened eyes, frozen smiles, life of losts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

november rain

nothing lasts forever and we both now hearts can change...
love the guitar solo!
old music, big hair, curls everywhere haha
btw, it´s raining over here, though it´s not november

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


so damn tired of everything...
why cant it all end at once?

God was this your idea for life?
such a mess
nothing´s right, nothing goes right

so damn tired of everything...
Im just tired, I want to rest,
sleep forever

Monday, July 4, 2011


beautiful picture found randomly at:

She ponders again and again
Why is life so hard?
She ponders about all the questions without answers
She sees how they twist and turn like smoke,
a descending spiral of questions and nonsenses.

She blows the questions away,
yet they linger there over her head twisting and turning,
gaining force and weight to fall upon her head, a hailstorm.

She paces inside the narrow prison 
She´s in walls made of doubt, no window of hope,
humid with despair, cold wind of loneliness.

A jury that never attended to her trial sent her there,
to prison for life? to die in a while?
The key is there, withing reach,
just a wall of fire in between, just a path of thorns to get there.

She ponders and ponders again
What is the reason behing this all?
No voice to answer the question
No answer to be voiced at all
The sky´s mute, Hades laughs
No answer at all.