Monday, April 26, 2010


Tears want to go out from my eyes,
they are filled with anger, pain and loneliness
things that I cant really change
because they do not depend on me.

Im feeling trapped in my own body
like a narrow cage that held me
imprisoned and in darkness.

when will I stop atoning for the sins I have not commited
will my own sins just make this longer
will it even matter if I sin, since Im already imprisonned??

I just want to be free, once and for all,
just free of all of this, of this cage,
of this thoughts, of this eyes,
of words, of fears...
I want to fly, I want my soul to be released from its cage.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Es a esto lo que llaman adicción? si es así, esta es de las peores... no se puede saciar ni siquiera por un instante, no es la persona adicta la que decide cuando saciarse, sino es el objeto, "sujeto" mas bien, quien tiene todo el poder para innundarme e intoxicarme o dejarme en carestía.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Locked up in her confort zone
made up by twenty five walls
and a thousand labyrinths
where she walks over and over again.

She has been playing with the pictures 
in her sheltter´s walls
she has given them a soul
she has made them come to live...
at the end they have messed up her soul.

She sleeps and dreams about a thousand facts.
Sighs and tenderness turn to life under her reverie
that grows as a monument of her desires
to finally crush down to the ground 
as soon as she opens her eyes 
and sees the sunlight.

Gently, every night she knits a bubble to hide in
but the fear of the ending of her world never leaves,
meanwhile she looses herself to her own fantasy
becoming blind and deaf to everything else.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


uf! q cansancio!!!! y parece q no acaba ni acabo de hacer nada, cada momento hay más y más por hacer!!!!! *ponte a hacerlo, pues!*

Monday, April 19, 2010


Let´s go away where the heart beat be the only law
and happiness the only judge...
somewhere where your smile is sunrise
and your sight is sunset.

Let be your presence heaven
and our company music...
emptiness and moon our treasures
 words, sights and thoughts our hands....

 ** I found this in a notebook and decided to remember the feeling of it while re-writing it

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tan lindos!

uuh!! mis lirios están por florecer!!!! siii! hace algunas semanas transplanté unos y ayer me di cuenta que ya tienen capullos. Son preciosos! los lirios en general, son mis favoritos, estos huelen tan bien y sin importar que tan seca la estación siempre salen, luego de haber dormido bajo tierra casi todo el año


I feel I´m changing. Something is changing inside of me. There´s one thing I dont know. Am I going back to the way I used to be? or am I just becoming something else. Sometimes it feels like I´m going back, like the old me is returning, like the old me was sleeping and now that things look a little like before she´s getting up, but then I feel like due to everything that has happened there´s a new me, a different me, one more complicated, one more... one that I cant understand, one that  I cant control completely cause any day is the same. I feel like I´m mist moved by the breeze. I´ve never questioned myself about who I am, but sometimes it feels like the appropriate thing to ask....

Friday, April 16, 2010


I´m in the middle of the winter. I love rain as long as I´m behind a window, under a roof watching the raindrops falling from the cloud. Fresh and humid air is like a caress to my skin. I love soft, light rain when I´m outside, the kind that touches the skin leaving little shiny drops.

I´m in the middle of the winter. I hate rain when it falls thick and hard, when I get wet from head to toes. It makes me cold, it puts me in pain. I hate rain when thunders come as a background music, though I like their light all strong, pretty and destructive.

I´m in the middle of the winter, and you are the rain.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


She sat, just like that,
she sat in the middle of the land where
she supposed to find a path.
She just got tired to walk after a
long, long, lonely journey.

Her muses were gone and her words had run dry.
A cold desert was now her world.
Nights are longer now
that her eyes can not find her star in sky.
One by one they were gone.

Sat there as if waiting for something,
she stares at a pack of forsaken heirlooms
inherited by the one that as ashes,
now lied into a clay urn in a seal chest
in a dilapidated gravier somewhere away.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Me gusta esta canción! en realidad creo q me gusta todo el album -propaganda, propaganda jajajajaja- expresa, creo, muchas de las cosas en las que pienso y comparto muchas opiniones, las letras suenan como algo que yo podría decir o al menos pensar -sentir quizá...

Lyrics | Paramore lyrics - Misguided Ghosts lyrics

Friday, April 2, 2010

My last even lightER- reading

Mostly Memoirs of a Geisha, but in a comic book version! maybe that´s one of the reasons I like the "mademoiselle buterfly" manga, besides it was a very romantic and happy-ending story type of story. The guy, to whom the main character is in love with, is a tatto artist.... anyways, a nice story, almost like memoirs of a Geisha -she was a geisha apprentice- but without that much suffering amount.

*even lighER reading? well, the books I normally read just for the pleasure are my "light reading" usually they´re longer than a hundred pages, and every body says it must be difficult to read those but it is easy for me, but this maybe most people would think is useless to read, but it is even more "light" -though still long- that´s why I think it is my "even lighter reading" or something like that ^^ whatever, right? jajajaja