Saturday, August 2, 2014


Have you ever gotten your facebook or any other social media or forum private messages read by someone other than you or the person you sent the message? (or like when your texts are read by someone else other than the person you intended to read them) It´s quite awkward, right?

I have a younger brother, he´s just two years or so younger than me but I feel like he´s still my baby brother and he sees me as his little sister, he´s always protecting me and supporting me and we are just the best friends. I trust him with my life; but he´s still a brother, a younger brother so he does little brother type things, like read my texts and private messages and as long as he doesn't reply to the people I´ve been talking to I don't mind. I do mind because it's strange but I dont mind because there´s nothing I say to people that I wouldnt tell him, now, that he wants to know those things is something else.

His wife sort of scolded him when she saw what he was doing. It was not because she respected my privacy but because she thought he was checking out girls, my friends and she´s jealous of her own shadow. She told him that she saw he was talking to one of my "friends" (not my friend but some college classmate) that I´ll call X.

My bro thought X was this other girl we went to school with, who had the same name as X and he was asking me about her and ofc his wife was angry so I told her it was not the same girl, that the girl my bro thought was really really beautiful but that we had met her years and years ago and that X was just a classmate I had in college. At that my bro stared at me with huge eyes and blushed cheeks (which is quite an accomplisment, that man never gets blushed) and he´s like, barely able to talk "Is that the girl?!" (at this point he started to speak in a foreign language and I replied in the same way, quite rude since we were at the dining table but yeah...) and I blushed, I think and nodded
"Is that the girl that you liked?! the first girl that you ever liked?!" he couldnt believe it
"Yeah, that was her, now shut up" I said
"Was that the girl from HS that you said?"
"No!! you and I were in the same school back then, it was before HS" I said feeling more than a little shy. He gasped
"So, there´s more than one girl!? -he squeezed his eyes closed- I totally saw that you had liked that girl by the way you say that she was so beautiful" he told me
"Ok, ok, so now you know, this is just between us so no telling"
"Come on! I´m..." he was shocked, I never talk of things like that
"Told you not to read my stuff bc you might not like it"
"...but, you... she was pretty, you have good tastes" he complimented me with tinted cheeks. It was funny.

The whole thing was funny and awkward. I dont want to slip again though, I dont want to tell him who are the other girls, he knows them all and I know he thinks bad of at least one of them and I just wont be able to handle him saying bad stuff about her... but it felt good once  that conversation happened, I can never talk about this with him or mom, they´re ok with it but it´s just embarrassing for all of us to speak of something that´s not common and I know they just still have a hard time thinking of me and girls, they like it better when I talk of guys and there´s just no one that I can talk to about this particular part of me so whenever by accident I get to talk of it, even if awkward, it makes me feel somewhat giddy and free.

Something else that was funny was that I was pretty worried that bro would read my memos! my writing, the few notes I have in my phone, the bits of story-writing... there´s quite ....not innocent writing there and then I laughed at myself... he doesnt like reading, he´s never read any of my stories even if I´ve asked him to do it. "You know I hate reading, sist, reading´s not my thing, you know that, right?" that´s what he said when I asked him to read anything that I wrote.

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