Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Mind-reading and Projecting

A little annecdote:
Person A got to their home, left some things and was about to leave again when person B asked where they were going. Person A glared and said they were going to give a ride home to their friend who was with them. Person B was hurt and offended at the attitude from person A. Person B felt like they had just been asking a question because they didnt know what were person A's plans. 

When person B told me about it, I commented how unfair it had been that they had gotten a glare when it is clear that they asked because they didnt know. They are not mind readers after all. 

Later that day my words made me remember how a few weeks ago, despite feeling pretty bad, I decided to accompany my brother grocery shopping. When we arrived to the parking lot of the place we were going, my brother was about to park on the disabled parking space when the security guard came over with a glare and asked him why he was going to park there. My brother told him that I needed the space. The security guard stayed there looking at the car as we parked and then came around to the passenger door where i was to , I presume, make sure I was actually disabled. He only seemed satisfied when he saw my wheelchair. 

"Why do they always come to veryfy only me?!" I complained to my mom and brother. Mom gave me some sympathy words and my brother told me to remember how there are people who take advantage of the reserved parking spots and that the security guard was probably just doing his job. It is not personal, he reminded me. 
"I'm just so not in the mood to prove to anybody that I am sick" I sighed and I wasn't. Pain gives you a lot of patience but it is all used in trying not to snap at people or just chew off your own leg trying to escape the pain so, in the end, to everyone, you are impatient and sometimes a very angry person. And not just that but you tend to take things personal and forget that sometimes people just ask questions because they dont know. 

To me, in the situation with the security guard, it was obvious that I was taking the disabled parking spot because I needed it and in the situation of person A and B, it was obvious to person A that they were going to take their friend home but not to person B. The security guard was probably thinking of all of those who use those spaces without needing them.

So, from this, a reminder: as obvious as something might seem, it won't be obvious for everyone. Most of the time people are just asking questions because they don't know and not because they are trying to pick on me.

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