Monday, February 28, 2011

drift away

I used to love him, he was my everything, he was all for me but he destroyed it all.
I don’t love him anymore, and now I can say it coldly, finally.
I never expected to stop loving him or to be able to say I loved him but I don’t love him anymore.
I am your light, that´s what was unstated in us, I am your light and when your eyes are close like that I´m in darkness.

You are my light we both said to eachother…
No more light, our eyes are close and we have fallen asleep, some annoying dream is what we see. The light´s gone and we´re tired of watching, we´ll go on sleeping.
My mind drifts away to other paths… fantasies come to my soul, fantasies that once were his, that once I dreamed we were going to live together.

I loved him and I loved him deeply, with every atom of myself.
He and I were the only thing that existed but we didn’t really existed now I know.
I thought it was alive but it was not, it died away.
Love songs were mine, love songs were him, but his name is no longer in their notes… my mind drifts away to other paths.


  1. Its such a shame when you lose something or someone special. Its hard to get past it be because you depended on it for comfort. But it's good when you can hold on to the memories even if they are painful at first. Those good times happened and they made you happy. Finding the strength to move on is good though... makes me proud. Good read.

  2. yeah, remembering the good part is good ^^ thx for the comment Saku!
