Saturday, March 1, 2014

Through My Eyes: Ghosts

A/N: ha! I had originally planned to finish DL by december, for Nichole´s birthday, I couldnt, then I thought, it´ll be for Josh´s birthday but that´s not close but hey, there´s a birthday today and I oficially finished DL today and ha! first post of Josh´s pov on my dear friend Saku´s bday! (I was finally able to do as I had planned!!) I thought today would be a good day because, you, lechuguita, are so supportive of him. -He sends you a hug.  Happy birthday, Saku!
Ah, in the end I tittled this one that... it might change eventually, who knows...
A person named Agnes Cecile made this one. I dont know who she is since I found it online but I think she´s very talented!

Over the next months after that conversation in the woods we didn’t speak, not really, we didn’t get back to be the friends we´d been in Burgeoys and I didn’t get any answers, although to be honest I didn’t ask any question, I wanted the answers but then, did I really wanted all the answers? I was not going to ask until I was sure of it.

Either way, I think going back to how we were or asking the questions would´ve been too fast for Nichole. This one didn’t seem like the one before, maybe the tragedies in her life finally broke her and she walked around way more cautiously, a lot more scared, it was like she´d been both turned into an older person and a younger one.

We kept seeing each other in random places. The campus in college seemed to have gotten smaller. I found her in the medical library, that’s when she knew I was in med school, although she´d known I always wanted to be a doctor. She saw me I a café with some of my classmates, she didn’t speak to me, nor said hi but her gaze and a slight smile told me she wasn´t ignoring me. We found each other at the foreign movies week that was held on campus, that was a weird one, I can tell that neither of us expected the other to be there.

During the weekends I saw her running in the park we first met, we often ran the same trail, we never spoke but it felt like we did it together. I saw her at some party that I had been invited to; the place was a single room, with no walls, the kitchen was at the end of the room, she was there, laughing with a group of people. I took a seat on the opposite side with the group of people I was, she quickly found me, maybe she felt my gaze on her, I smiled and she slightly nodded before some guy took her by her waist and kissed her cheek but only because she turned her face away, she laughed. That was the first time I ever saw her with someone, also the first time she seemed to be having fun surrounded by people…

Next time I saw her, she was in my flat. I was sure my jaw dropped to the ground. I had come out of my room to tell my roommate and his friends to keep it quiet. I hadn’t sleep in two nights and when I got out I saw her right in front of me, she seemed as surprised to see me as I was. My roommate introduced us.
“This is Nichole –he smiled at her with dreamy eyes.-Never call her…” he started
“Nicky” I finished, he asked how I knew.
“We met” she replied staring at me. My roommate just got closer to her, his arm around her waist. Normally he´d had invited me to come out and hang out with him and his friends but this time he just said they´d keep it quiet. I couldn’t sleep at all, even if they all left after about thirty minutes of that interaction.

The next day at the first opportunity he told me he was dating her. Nothing I hadn´t guessed by the way he´d acted that night but it did amused me how he thought he had to be defensive, I wonder if she knew he was that way and I laughed to myself ´cause she´d probably mock him for that or maybe not, this was a new Nichole for what I saw.

The weekend after that encounter, I was awoken by his kicks to our kitchen island, he was angry. She had dumped him and then he was even angrier when he learned she was dating another guy, not so long after dumping him. I guessed she´d changed her aversion to people. I was somewhat glad and wondered about how that had happened but I didn’t ask even when I saw her in the park as we silently run. At times she went by the clearing, my studying spot; I liked to think that it was her way of honoring my wish.

“How are you?” I said every one of those times and she always answered in her own way with a “walking” or “exploring”. I never knew when she was going to appear though, it seemed so random.

One time, I forgot my pens in the car and started to curse out loud, I didn’t want to have to carry my books and notebook all the way back to get them but I needed to make notes. I scrubbed my face in frustration.

“Stupid pens” I finally said as I gathered my books after turning over my backpack with the hope that there would be a pen or a pencil somewhere. Suddenly, a pen followed by a pencil fell next to me on the grass, startled, I looked up, she was on top of the tree, I wondered how long she´d been there and if she´d been there other times and I just didn’t know as I laughed, she was so odd. She was no longer avoiding me, she wasn’t trying to get closer to me either but she was there, she was that close, almost in reaching distance but not really, like always. She called herself a monster but she was more like an elusive ghost. An elusive ghost in my house, I shook my head, clearing it from the idea of writing songs about ghosts.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh. Ok. I'm back. I've decided the best way to go about a comment for this one is to ignore Nic in it. I probably won't fully be able to because there was a pleasant thought about her before the last couple of sections but I don't know I'll see how this goes.

    First off - Congrats! You were able to write through Josh! I know you've done it before during the story but I also know how elusive he can be so yay you!

    Second - You finished it! That's so sad but so great! I know that's what you wanted and yes parting is such sweet sorrow but at the same time it was a great journey and one that kept me guessing and thinking whether it was updated or not. Well done and congratulations! Oh and an applause to all the characters, both liked and disliked because all of your journeys was a pleasure for me to read!

    Okay. About the post itself I have to say that Josh is a really strong guy but he's also not very aware of what he's doing. It makes me think of the him as a teenager and possibly the him Nic saw before she went AWOL. He doesn't seem entirely aware that he wears his heart on his sleeve. It's something so sweet but at the same time sad because it leaves himkind of vvulnerable to things that will significantly impact his life like Nic and art. He's innocent without being naive because he knows people and he understands them but at the same time he doesn't feel hateful, bitter or defeated by the knowledge of human failure. It's pretty impressive how he lives but it makes me sad too because he's wide open and not shielding himself.

    Phew. I got a little too sentimental and emotional there(I'm typing through blurry vision now).
    Um... How cool is he just going with the flow? Haha he's such a nice person and extremely tolerant. I'm pretty positive if she was behaving this way and Aaron was in Josh's shoes he would have confronted her ages ago! But complacent Josh is so respectful and nonconfrontational. Sigh.....

    It hurts that he doesn't notice how he finds her because he loves her. But I guess it's best that he doesn't fully realize it. His awareness of her actions would shoot up from 87% to 99.9% instantly. I'd feel positively miserable if that happened.

    I can't really go on from there because I'd have to blow my stack, take names and rampage. Lol so Congratulations on another finished tale and good luck on the next one. Hopefully I'll get to see it but if not good luck anyway! :)
