Wednesday, June 29, 2011

punch bag

another entry about me... I feel bad, I feel insulted, I feel hurt, basically I feel like I´ve been taken as a punch bag and hit with fists made of words. I´ve been called a liar, I been accused of lack of principles, I was acused directly of being a liar. Im not a liar, I dont lie, that´s not my style...of all the things I´ve been called liar is just the worst because even the ones who hate/dislike me never even consider the thought of me being a liar and to get that accusation from someone that´s supposed to know me, that´s supposed to trust me, that has said that loves me, it´s just so hurting... I wanted to growl back "dont call me a liar, you should know that Im not that!" but I let it pass, I let the words punch me hard because when someone´s upset the words just come out and sometimes arent meant to be said. I could hear tears from whom accused me, I havent harm that person I intended to confort and ease the sadness and frustration but in the way I got accused. It took me aback but I dont think it would´ve been wise to start a fight, frustration and anger, even if not caused by me, make people say things they dont want to right? should I´ve said something to defend myself? or should I just wait till the realization of the words fall upon this person´s mind? It´s kind of hard to be of any confort when you get hurt in the process....

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