Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fallen angel

Chapter 28 ***Hell***
Maybe it all had been some sort of nightmare that I had have while sleeping on Ei`s lap. I woke up and the sky was clear. She was good. I smiled at her. Her expression was empty. She was like a statue with a lost stare only a tear on her cheeck made her look alive. I got up quickly. I took her shoulders. She flinched. She was scared of me.
“Ei, are you ok?” she couldn’t talk out of fear. She was scared to death “Ei, what happened? Did Passio…?” maybe it hadnt been a dream.
“stop it! Stop it!” she screamed “just go ahead, don’t act like you care”
“wha…” I saw it. Her skin was different. It seemed just like the one statures have: hard. It also had little crack all over the place.
A small army was coming to us. One of them, the leader, advanced before the others. He spoke.
“we didn’t want to take her away from you. We went to you respecting you hierachi. We asked you for a little of her, just that, yet you refused and didtnt listen to reasons…”
“shut up!” I heard myself saying “I`d do it again and the answer`s no. she`s mine and no one can touch her but me” it was my voice but it was not me. It was a demon voice. I didn’t recognize myseft. I realize I was concious of every bit of her body as if it was my own.
I heard myself talking again, a course came out of my mouth followed by laughter. I made a dismissive sign with my hand sending with it a big amount of energy directed to the small army. Nothing happened. They were a small army only because they trusted their powers and above all their capability of tricking. The had set me up or so they thought. While the leader demon was talking, several of them were hidden, sneaking to get close to Eimi and to take her away from me. That plan of theirs had caused me to laugh. “when I say she`s mine, I mean it” my mouth said. I became invisible and got really close to Ei. They were stunned and as I thought they thought I had left. So little they knew me, when they got only a few steps away from Ei I did it. It was the worst thing that I could``ve ever done. I entered in her. She made no sound nor she resisted she only closed her eyes tightly and I, from her insights, forced her to open them. I took control of her body.
“you don’t have to be so hard, just ask what you want, you know I`d do it” it was her thoughts that I was listening. I ignored them. “where are you?” she continued “Ayon come back to me”
I was confused. It was like if I was two person at once, both the angel and the demon but separately, and for what I was doing I knew I had been the demon fo a long time.
“they`re coming to get you, love” I said in my thoughts too. I guessed she could hear them too. She said nothing but I could felt the pain ripping through her body. A blood line came from one of her temples and a tear from her eyes. No one had touched her, so it had to be me the cause of it.
“Eimi? Wh-wh” I couldnt talk, I couldn’t think clarly since we were one. I was in her body.
“Ayon!” she said, some kind of joy in her voice “Ayon come back” a dark shadow covered my mind “good” it said “I thought that one was dead” it was my own voice talking to me “I was tired of faking” I heard an evil laugh that came out of Ei`s mouth. She sounded like those possessed people in movies, she was possessed, by me, by the demon I was “don’t let him die, love…I`ll be the one to crush that lost angel…” “Ei, no, don’t listen to that” “will you let her get caught by all those others?” my evil side asked. i was having some sort of argument with myself.
“fight, Ayon, fight” eimi was tenderly saying to my good side. Another evil laughter came out of her. My evil side was using her voice.
“good, give him your strengh because that one`s only a shadowy memory of me” the evil side said using her mouth. Her voice sounded like echo on me. I was the cause of her tears I was the one that made her scared. It was me. It was me? Yet I was cushing a part of myself too. In the end I had became addicted to power. I had became completely a demon. “stop winning, she`s gone, yupe, Passio`s gone” it was my distorted voice coming from Ei`s head.
A song started to sound on our enclosed place, Eimi`s body, she was not alone there anymore. I had entered with my demon side ruling the scene. He was singing the song I used to sing for Eimi. She started to calm dow, so did I, it was like if we were connected, not my demon side, though.
“sing to me Ayon” she said. He, the other me, kept singing. It was soothing. I felt hwe so close as if our souls were blending into one. Then I saw though her eyes. A circle of energy exploding around her was what I saw. All the demon`s army fade away when she lifted her hand as if she were absrbing something with her palm. She was absorbing their energy, their attacks. I was absrobing the energy, the was the mean to do it. I sensed the damage this much energy made to her body, that was why her skin was lkie that of statues, her eyes blood-red.
“now” my other side said o the group of demons “give up at once, how many more times will we do this, you shoul`ve leant by now that you will never, ever be able to take what`s mine” he made Eimi to lift her hand again. He gathered her energy and put it out like a shield then with a small amount of my own power he pushed them away. He used her like an augmentation glass, with little of my energy all the army was binded. Blood strings started to fall from her temples, she had many cuts on her hands as if she had fallen into broken glasses. All of her was flooding in sadness now. The song had ended and she was fully aware, as I was,that I had used her in the most despicable way. He, my devil side, had turned his back to her after that, coming out of her body leaving her so badly injured that she fall to the ground and was not able to get up. I was truly a monster. I had become a demon
“why?” she asked in a whisper
“I`m a demon, Eimi, this is who I am” my evil side answered and somehow my sadness flooded that side too.
I leaned and picked her up in my arms, after a while. She did nothingbut to close her eyes the whole time. Her eyes were still close when I cleaned her body from the blood, when I put vandages to her hands, even when my most evil side arose and kissed her mouth. She was like a statue, hard and cold, only a tear coming from her eyes let me know wshe was alive. I put her on a bed and lay beside her, on my side, watching her. Her eyes closed withough moving. She was in the same pisition I had left her. I, that part of me that still loved her, got a share of energy too. It was like a rush of extasis on me, the highest pleasuer you can imagine. If liked ift a lot, in the moment it happened I liked it as if there was nothing else, as if nothing else mattered, but everything else mattered, she mattered and she had been used by me.
My evil side reapeared, gaining control again, he crushed my good side, or my half good side, the Ayon she had met. Still laying beside her, he said “I always liked the feeling of laying beside you” he got closer to her. She didn’t move. She was like dead. He hugged her and kissed her collar bone. The Ayon inside, that half good one, was troubled since I liked the feeling that action gave me, I hated myself for liking it and for letting my evil side doing that after having used Eimi.
“the Ayon you knew is enjoying this as well” my evil side said. It made her move and face me “he`s craving for more, I can asure you that… should we please him?”
“I still belive in you, my Angel” she said placing her hand in my cheek, looking at me tenderly.
Now it you time, you wimp, let`s haver her, you wante her as much as I do, we are one after all, so I know how badly we want her, it`ll be so easy for me if you were the one since the human is so into you.
“I`m sorry Eimi, I cant do this anymore” Ayon said and the whole image vanished. He got away from my side and I opened my eyes. How real it had been, I had lived, through his thoughts, his hell. We were crying. He saw my tears. He kneel down pleading forgiveness. I needed to talk to him. We heard a nock on the door and Criss` voice behind it.
“I`ll come in Eimi” he waited around a minute to come in, time enough for Ayon to clean my eyes and his.

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