Thursday, May 31, 2012


Invisible child.
I´ve become invisible, haven´t I?
You´re stepping all over me
but me being transparent don´t let you see me twisting on the ground in pain.

The invisible child has no voice either,
you stole that one, along with my faith,
they were ripped off of me and the bled hasn´t stopped since.

Invisible child, I have no feelings
only because you don´t see me at all,
how could you feel them when your eyes go past me?

Lying down on the pavement where you left me,
there I became invisible for you,
I got broken and the pieces glued themselves together, all wrong,
my voice was taken from me, all my senses numb only because there´s one single thing that I been left with: pain.

The invisible child weeps
but how could you have mercy of someone you don´t see?
yet the invisible child hopes
only to be once again shattered into dust
again and again and again
let the invisible child disappear

1 comment:

  1. This is good. I say that because it reminds me of myself or what I feel.
    You know I complain about that quite often. :p
    I like the line "yet the invisible child hopes". Its full of melancholy and, for lack of a better word, awww.
    Oh and that picture is just the tops! Its so perfect and pretty and pained. 3 p's Lol
