Friday, January 25, 2013

DL´s stuff

As I was typing Taking a Peek the song Common Reaction by Uh Huh Her was playing on my playlist. I´ve liked that song for a while but as I stopped to listen to it I realized it kinda fits Nichole or maybe even DL and this last post made me see it.

This is not the original version, it´s like an acoustic version or something but this is the version that fits DL.

Then, when I was looking for pix for this last post, I found one that reminded me of Nic, I think it´s like a cover of a book or something. I think this girl is a lot like Nic, the way her hair looks -except the color- the woods as background... yeah, this is the closest of how Nic looks in my head, a bit younger maybe... but pretty close

ofc this is not mine, I just stumbled w/it on google

this is the type of green that I image Josh´s eyes to have 


  1. That song is definitely like the atmosphere of DL. Their sort of breathy voices and the vocal instruments are just perfect.
    It can go with every post somehow even the more laid back ones. It's like in those the beat can play with out the singing and in the more serious ones the actual singing can go along with it. Very nice

    Oh wow. I can't say how I imagines Nic because I mostly only see her body type and her hair in my mind, no face.
    It's great seeing how you see her though. Never would have imagined this :)

  2. Just like the forest those eyes are! So beautiful! Josh is a dreamboat! Those eyes are just wow
